wilayat-practical touba

Tariqat, Wilayat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Practical Taubah /Repentance  AND verbal istaqfor/asking forgiveness

Your sinner in front of esteem status of Allah(swt) .

Sincere taubah is an amal/deed (leaving bad deeds and doing good deeds)

Taubah =fulfilling rights of creation and creator.

Success depends on taubah/returning towards Allah.

Istaqfar =asking forgiveness(verbal) AND  Taubah =leaving sins and doing good (practical)

Taubah = leaving sins(following do’s and dont’s of sharia) and returning towards Allah(islah e nafs)

Taubah= totally leaving bad (even from thought) and doing good .

Sincere taubah =erases sins and rewarded for good deeds.

Taubah against Sins, aganst ghaflat/heedlessness , against good deeds are noticed by individual, against  peace with creation rather than with zikrullah etc depends on the stage of individual .

Zalim= doesnot do taubah.

Kabira gunah/bigger sins

1.Haraam related gunah/sins.

2.Lanat related gunah /sins.

3.gunah/sins related with Punishment announced in duniya .

4.gunah/sins related with Punishment announced in ahkirah .

Treatment (Allah is watching me/fearing punishment )

Faraiz e taubah (huqullahullah and huququllibaad)=Fulfilling rights of allah/creator and creation/concerned people

Sunnat e taubah=being away from bad people/associations(Taubah means returning to Allah)

Adab e taubah=continuously doing good work/deeds

Conditions/Shart e taubah

1.Nadamat /remoarse(heart is involved)

2.Away from sins (following do’s and dont’s of sharia)

3.Sincere taubah (leaving bad/not repeat it +doing good )

4.Islah e nafs

5.fulfilling the rights of creations and creator.

6.being away from bad people/associations.

Accepted taubah

1.Clean tongue and heart

2.leaving bad sohbat/association

3.increase in doing good deeds

4. fikr e ahkirat/worrying about ahkirat


1.sins are erased

2.Allah loves his slave.

3.Allah protects him from shaitan/sins

4.duniya and ahkirat is beautified.

Time management (Sleep =not more than 8 hours)

1. First cover faraiz/wajibat (responsibilities-do’s and donts)

2. Gain ilm e nafae(shariat+tariqat) makes deen stronger-increases fear of Allah(obedience/itaat) AND knowing yourself/nafs(decreases love for duniya.

3. covering people’s needs /improving people’s conditions ( better than doing Wazifa/zikr/nawafil ibadat )

4. doing Wazifa/zikr/nawafil ibadat

5. improve your living standard by working hard (improving duniya without hurting others)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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