wilayat-ahwal e insan

Tariqat, Wilayat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ahwal e insan (Highest success=1.faraiz 2.ilm e nafae 3.islah e nafs 4. Nawafil)

Angels are from light  (no sins/masoom)

Shaiteen are from darkness (zalims/no good deeds)

Insan are from light+darkness (sins/nafs (lower self) associated with shaiteen + good deeds/ruh (upper self) associated with angels)

Nafs is problematic and influences sense organs.

Islah e nafs prevents you from sins AND Appreciate Allah’s naymah/rewards (shukr)

Creator knows whats best for you,be happy(shukr).Allah will give you more.Don’t complain about missing things.

Sabr=no complaining(happy with allah’s decision) + apply patience/sabr before jumping to commit sins. 

Shukr=happy with what is with you (even though you don’t deserve it).

Tawakkal/trust= Allah alone,not on means/sabab (just using means)

Accountability/Muhasab e nafs in duniya leads to easier accountability on hashr(day of judgement).

Taubah =fulfilling rights of creation and creator.

Abid =pleased with allah without complaining/heart attached with Allah. (islah e nafs)

Momin= uses tongue and body with thinking(raza e elahi/pleasing allah alone).

Munafiq=uses tongue and body without thinking.

Nawafil ibadat Reward = completion of faraiz + islah e nafs(taqwa,shukr,iqlas,sabr ,tawakkal etc)

Islah e nafs + ilm e nafae is better than nawafil ibadat .

Alim(knowledgable person) is better than abid (worshipper)

Highest success=1.faraiz 2.ilm e nafae 3.islah e nafs 4. Nawafil

Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification  4. Nawafil  

Be sincere (do’s and don’ts of sharia) towards Allah(sidq).

Avoiding sins/disobedience is far greater than doing good deeds(do’s and don’ts of sharia).

Day spent in fearing allah is far better than praying at night.

Allah gives duniya to all but understanding/fahm e Deen is for those who are loved by him.

Be good with all (fulfill the rights of creation)

Excessive laughter makes heart dead.

Sadaqa/good deeds are not accepted with haraam earnings.

Bad/sins will not be wiped with the bad/sins   only good/obedience will wipe the bad/sins.

Best iman is associated with good ahklaq/character (things which are easy to do without hesitation)

Best hijrat =away from sins

Best advice =adopt taqwa(avoiding sins/obedience)

Speak less /maintain silence = makes deen stronger(shaitan will run away from you)

Love poor people ,don’t look at the rich people.

Be with good sohbat/association (people of haya /increases fikr e deen ).

People follow friend’s deen, plz select a good/pious sunni friend.

Apply heart in deen AND apply brain in duniya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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