Tawheed And Shirk-Monks Priest Rabbis

Shariath, Tauheed And Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


 (5/41) those monks and rabbis- They were greedy, misleading, liars, trouble makers and would change the words of Allah! Can you then honestly say that these monks and rabbis were pious? Surely not! Any person could see that these verses establish beyond doubt that these people were far from pious. They also disliked and rebuked those Monks and Rabbis, so how is it possible that they would worship those for whom they had no respect or love for?

(9/31)The explanation of this verse has to begin by looking at the Arabic word which has been used to describe Lord. The Arabic word used is Rabb which translates as Lord or God. In the Quran this word is used to describe other than Allah, for example, King or rulers as Allah Most High says in the Quran:

(12/50) the word Lord has not been used to describe Allah, but to describe a King. The Arabic word used in this verse for the King is rabb. This proves that the word rabb can be used to describe or discuss other than Allah Almighty.

This verse is in fact discussing how, on the one side there was the blessed Prophet Muhammad (saws) preaching the words of Allah Most High and on the other side, there were the monks and rabbis who were against Allah and His Messenger, those who debar (men) from the way of Allah? (9/34). The Christians and Jews were denying Allah and His Messenger and agreed with the monks and rabbis. They were misinterpreting and taking out of context that which was written about Muhammad (saws) in their scriptures.

(2/41-42) So we see that we have Allah and His Messenger (saws) conveying the message of Allah and then on the other hand there were the monks and priests who were deliberately misguiding their people for money.

(3/64) the Christians and Jews would worship Sayyidina Isa (as) and not the monks or rabbis. The verses do not say the Christians and Jews would bow down to the monks or rabbis or sacrifice in their way, simply because they did not worship them. They did however, deny Allah and His Messenger, listening and obeying their monks and rabbis instead:

The Arabic word rabb has been used in this verse to describe their monks and rabbis which translate to Lords. There is a difference between obeying and worshipping which Allah Azawajul has highlighted for us in the verse which just recited.

(9/31) Yes this is true that you do not worship them but do you not accept what your monks and rabbis say to be lawful as lawful and what is unlawful as unlawful, this is worship?

All this proves that the way in which the Jews and Christians worshipped their Monks and Rabbis was completely different to the manner in which the polytheists of Makkah worshipped their idols.

The Christians and Jews denied Allahs laws and accepted the laws of their monks and rabbis: this was their worship.

The Christians and Jews would not worship the Rabbis & Monks in the same manner the polytheists of Makkah worshipped their idols.The word rabb which has been used in the verse, is used to describe the monks and rabbis and rulers.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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