Tawheed And Shirk-Idol Worship

Shariath, Tauheed And Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



we are aware that Iblis inspired people to worship idols by using three different techniques

1.Iblis would enter the idols and speak

2.He would use the soothsayers to mislead the people.

3.He would misguide the people with his whispers

(53/23, 10/66) the names of the idols did not originate from anywhere, rather, they were names made up by the polytheists and their fathers, when the Prophet Muhammad (saws) recited these verses, the polytheists did not argue with him by saying the names of their idols were in actual fact, names of previous Prophets and saints.


 (19/7, 3/45) Allah Almighty has given his Prophet Sayyidina Yahya/john (as ) the glad tidings of a name which none have had before, and in the case of Sayyidina Isa, (as) he too was given a unique name. This indicates that there is an importance attached to the names of the Prophets and pious.

(7/71) Hud (as) who told his nation how they had named their own idols. this verse explicitly states that the names of the idols were names that the people themselves had concocted.

(12/40) Yusuf (as) is telling his nation that the names of the idols are only names which they themselves have named. Just as the nation of Hud (as) did not argue with with their Prophet who had made a similar statement, neither did the nation of Yusuf (as).

Imam Tabari, Hafidh Ibn Kathir and Muhammad bin Ishaq all write that Iblis was friends with the generation of Qabil and he commanded the generation of Qabil to create idols, which they did! They would then hear voices from the idols which in reality was Iblis. He told a particular portion of Qabils generation to create idols in the image of Allah and His angels; they would also hear Iblis speak from these idols and because the people thought that angels were the daughters of Allah Azawajul (I seek shelter in Allah!) they gave the idols the female names of Uzza, Mannat and Lat. Furthermore, the polytheists used to make tawaaf around the Kabah and whenever they left Makkah they would always take a stone of Makkah to represent the Kabah. They would take the stone and place it on the floor of where they had traveled to and would circulate it (make tawaaf). Sometimes Iblis would enter the stone and speak. The stone would say I am your Lord! The people would be extremely impressed and stunned that they then started believing that this stone was god and began worshipping it.

This proves to us that humans would only worship something if it was perceived to be extraordinary or supernatural, which would convince the people that the stone is god.

It is the voice of the Iblis which entered the idols causing the people to believe the idols are god.

Another example of how people would worship stone once they had seen an amazing occurrence is when a man called Simiri created a calf made of gold. Sayyidnia Jibril (as) had descended from the heavens and his foot had touched the mud on the ground. Coincidently, Simiri threw that very mud over his calf and his calf became alive and began talking to the people. This was the nation of Musa (as), a nation of approximately six million people.This is precisely the reason why people have worshipped idols: they usually displayed some sort of miracle that would convince the people that it possessed divine powers or was a god!

(20/87-96) calf was speaking and this caused the nation of Musa (as) to worship the calf.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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