Tawheed And Shirk-Hearing

Shariath, Tauheed And Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)




(35/22-23,30/52) Allah will make whosoever He chooses to hear. Allah can make the deceased hear, which is not in the power of the one who is sending salam, nor do the deceased have the power to make themselves hear.

Only Allah has the power to allow the deceased hear, as He, Azawajal clearly says in the Quran:35/22 Lo! Allah maketh whom He will to hear.

(43/45) If the deceased pious cannot hear or answer, then why is Allah commanding His blessed Prophet in the verse, to ask the previous Prophets if Allah appointed gods to be worshipped besides Him?

(2/260) Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) called the dead birds and they responded to his call. If birds can hear when they are dead then surely pious people can.

(7/78-79) Hafidh Ibn Kathir writes that when Sayyidina Salih (as) spoke to his nation after the earthquake, his nation listened to him.

(7/91-93) Sayyidnia Shueyb (as)is talking to his nation, after they were destroyed by the earthquake. If the deceased cannot hear then why was Sayyidina Shueyb (as) talking to his nation?

(35/13-14) talking of idols not humans! The last verse states:They own nothing,If you pray to them they cannot hear,On the Day of Resurrection they will disown association with you.

The first point is that Muslims do not worship any pious person.

Second, These traits belong to idols not humans. The first feature, that they do not own anything, must apply to idols as all humans own something or another, e.g., clothes or property. The second characteristic, that when you pray to them they cannot hear also applies to idols as idols cannot hear whereas humans can; and the last mentioned feature, that they will disown their worshippers, is also for idols as they will reject that their polytheists worshipped them.

(32/11, 79/5, 51/4) Allah has granted the idols with nothing and his pious servants with power as he has granted the angels with power. the angels hold power as Allah has given them control and ability since they are His pious servants.

(5/25) Sayyidina Musa (as) is telling Allah Almighty that he has control over himself and his brother

(23/6) Allah Azawajul grants possess his beloved pious with powers.

(28/76)Even the disbelievers possess something or another which proves that where Allah has said that they possess nothing, it refers to idols and not humans.

(7/37) talking of idols. The angels will question the polytheists and ask them where is that which they worshipped, and the polytheists will reply by saying they have no knowledge of where they have gone? This clearly proves that what they are talking of cannot be the deceased pious as the deceased pious had already departed in this world.. This means what was worshipped has to be something which was present with them in this world and departed when the polytheists die, this can only be idols.

(7/194) referring to idols. Always read the verses after the verse . One verse talks of how what they worship have feet, hands, eyes and ears but they cannot walk, hold, see or hear.This cannot be applicable to the deceased pious as the deceased pious are not visible (since they are in their graves!) so why would Allah be describing their appearance. If Allah Azawajal was talking of the deceased pious He would first discuss their existence then their appearance, but according to your belief they are lifeless anyway, so why would Allah be describing their walking or hearing etc?

(7/195)how they will not be able to help themselves, which further clarifies that these verses are not for the deceased pious. Why would the deceased pious need to help themselves anyway On the other hand, idols cannot actually help themselves as Allah Almighty says in the Quran: 7/197 They on whom ye call beside Him have no power to help you, nor can they help you, nor can they help themselves.

what they worship is looking towards them but they see nothing. This cannot be the deceased pious, as the deceased pious are in their graves, whereas the idols have eyes with which they look but do not see.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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