Tauheed-Tibbe Meaning

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir RaheemAl-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


 Heart is the leader of the organs. other organs are for perfection. heart is for acquiring knowledge of allah and to love him,worship him alone,to feel satisfied with him,to rely on allah,love for his sake and hate for his sake and to remember him always(zikr is the food and life of heart).Worst diseases that attack heart are shirk, sins and forgetting allah.

SORCERY -is a combination of the powers of evil spirits and the adverse effects on the body.  dont practice black magic/sorcery its haraam and punishable to death. Evil spirit affects those with weak eman (as they don’t remember allah much-they don’t take refuge with allah-they don’t use prophetic supplications and remedies).weakness is because they are prone to evil wishes/desires. Evil spirits search evil in the soul that is prone to submit to their powers.

BLACK MAGIC effects those with weak heart(lustful/desires heart).mostly women,children,nomads ,ignorant people,those with weak faith,lack trust in allah and people who are inclined more towards lust/desires of this world. dont practice black magic its haraam and punishable to death. sorcery is punishable to death. worst magic is that which effects the senses of the affected organ. drawing blood from the effected organ is the best cure.

EVIL SPELLS aggravate nature and produce harmful substances affecting the mood. Evil spells don’t effect pure hearts but sometime might effect the senses .

EVIL EYE starts when a person likes something and he adds his evil thoughts and desire to gain it.Evil eye is true .its like when you don’t like some one suddenly your face colour changes .evil eye is the effect exerted  by the soul on the victim. souls vary in essence,qualities,powers and characteristics. soul of an envious person can harm a victim. evil eye is caused by contact,sight,soul directing its power to the victim through imagination and evil omens. most commonly enemity /hatredness which leads to evil omens.Evil eye comes from heart and soul of a person and it gets directed to the concerned person.if the opposite person is strong spiritually, evil eye will return back to the same person and will harm him.

Protection depends on strength of the soul ,eman, tawakkal on allah.never keep any hatred for others  forgive everyone allah will forgive you. every one has a right to live and their standards are different accordingly with allah’s will .leave them you concentrated on your ahkirat.


1. Divine cures are best medicines for sorcery .finding the spell and neutralizing it.

2.extracting harmfull substances from the organ affected by sorcery. Protection depends on strength of the soul ,eman, tawakkal on allah.

3.sorcery is the work of evil spirits so neutralize it with recitation of quran , certain prayers,zikrullah .

4.rightueous deeds are best medicines against magic spells/sorcery.

5.say bismillah hir rahman nir rahim and then say evil eye return to the person who started it.

6.Best way to avoid evil eye/nazar is to conceal the blessings  from the people(ie don’t show to the people /don’t show off/pride)

7.Satan(the force of evil) appeals to our nafs(self) and tries to encourage it to commit sins. Keep reciting ya hayyum ya qayyum or alif lam meem allah- la ilaha ila huwal  hayyul qayyum or  wa ilahukum illahu wahid la ilaha illa huwar rahmanur rahim or recite allah’s 99 names regularly or keep reading quran regularly. salat/namaz is best  because it allows  all the organs to prove their slavery to allah.

8.Surrendering to allah will bring peace. tawheed is the diet of the heart (heart starts living by saying la ilaha illal laah) and repentance closes  the doors of the evil.lesser the sins greater is the spiritual health. Cleanse your heart with repentance. lusts and desires will make heart weak. self/myself/I  is unjust/zulm (greatest zulm /unjustness is shirk )

9.Heart must have tawheed(oneness),tawakkal(trust),taqwa(rightueous) and tawajhu(awareness of allah’s presence).Good health and free time is a reward/bounty from allah to his slave. Don’t waste it.Ask allah for certainty of faith and good health.

10. (always be in wazu )Washing with water cools the heart. water extinguishes the veiled thoughts from the aggressors heart. islam and wisdom never contradict with each other.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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