Tauheed-Tasaruf Shafath Tawassal

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


22/32,37—mazaar pak of aulia allah is sharlil lah (signs of allah) so we offer chadar out of respect (it’s a good deed).niyyat/intention is “o allah for your sake I offer chadar out of respect for this auliaallah.

5/3 –haraam/shirk there were 360idols so the kuffar use to say the name of idol while slautering the animal louldly so that people may know on whose name it is carried this is called hilaal.

Hilaal-first moon/first cry of the newborn baby/special wordings on special time.

Muslims on other slaughter animals in the name of allah and its reward is for so and so (ie essale sawaab) like how its done in qurabani /haqiqa/garween.

Halaal/haraam angle is when you slaughter the animal not on the purpose of usage valima/haqiqa/qurbani etc

6/117–Qurbani gives qurb of allah .allah says your niyyat reaches to me and meat goes to the needy.

SHIRK FIL ADAAT- its like doubting on things  say for ex-if I do this that happen or this will happen etc this shirk is out of ignorance.ie people go to the extent of believing profit and loss is from other than allah .

Profit and loss is from allah alone. Sometime his pious slaves(aulia/anbiya) do cause give profit and loss to the others with allah’s permission and with helps help and power. Here aulia allah/anbiya are just means/way of profit and loss from allah.


shirk means haq of allah given to others .

39/3-kuffar said we worship idols because they take us near to allah.actually they use to pray to idols just to prove they are correct they presented wasila/tawassul as a source .

How can shirk get you nearness of allah?

kuffar knew wasila is acceptable with allah(swt) because they knew about teachings of Ibrahim(as) .kuffar knew wasila is maqbool to allah.

10/18- kuffar even knew the conceptof shafath .kuffar said we worship idols and they will do shifarish for them in the court of allah.they knew this because they had learnt few of the teachings of Ibrahim(as) deen.

4/48- shirk is a zulm and its not forgiven .zulm/injustice means that which is the right of a actual source given to someone else.

For kuffar there is no shafath because they are presenting shirk as wasila.

For muslims there is shafath we present all those acceptable things in the court of allah like anbiya/aulia/deeds/promises/special prayers /humbleness etc

2/48,2/123/6/70 –these verses are for idols and kuffar are unlucky people because they are denied shafath.

39/44-idols don’t have knowledge.

Shaafi is the one who will present case and do shifarish.allah cannot be shafi because to whom he request to do the following (mazallah) .its allah’s wish to whom he will give permission to make shifarish .

2/255-kufr is a kufr  here and hereafter .if shafath and wasila is kufr here then it must be kufr on the day of judgement also.then how is it allowed on the day of judgement?

2/255-everything is with the permission of allah.There is wasila in the azaan ki dua

3/38-like zakaria(as) stood in the hujra of maryam and prayed to allah.

12/93 –yaqoob (as) got back eyesight with the cloth/jubba of yusuf(as) here there is no dua its only the cloth used.

Maryam is auliya allah and also note nabi is using wasila for a nabi.

3/135-allah’s zikr is wasila

Ilm/knowledge from books to books by studying

Ilm/knowledge from heart to heart by experiencing(kamil/perfect knowledge) .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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