
Shariath, tabligh

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


To please Allah alone

To be a true servant of  the prophet.

To work for the deen(kidmate deen)

To spread word of haqq/truth.


1/3rd  for Allah (ibadat+adab/rights etc ) +1/3rd household (needs+rights etc etc)+1/3rd personal (rest+kidmat e deen+ilm etc)

Any deed start with bismillah /follow the sunnah/ try perfection/for the sake of Allah.


Listening=Sabr/patience +open heartedness + fikr/interest .

Your answerable to Allah but for creation, speak in a convince/pleasing way .

In entire creation angels/prophets are masoom/sinless and rest are venerable to sins.

Never react immediately listen first and then speak  makes you humble and forbearing(haleem)

Speak from the heart, it will reach to the heart (be soft hearted and keep a smiling face)

Clear speech so that people understand ,no useless talks,open speech differentiating good and bad,no degrading people,respect people and their status in society.

Raise voice against batil/falsehood.promote haqq/truth.

No personal/nafs involved only for the sake of Allah.

Leave the place if you don’t like (with jaahil/ignorant say salaam and move out)

Don’t interrupt others when speaking.present your view on your turn (no shouting/no blaming)

Appreciate people’s heart and don’t isolate them.

Always keep smiling face .

After salaam , ask khairiyat/condition of household .

Give advice for 3 times.

Be with people of taqwa/needy not with people of takkabur/arrogant/worldly people.

Respect people with respect to their status (ilm/nasab/taqwa/designation/delegation etc etc)

Entire ummah including scholars have changed from asl/actual deen.

Political,social,economical,military,technology,arts,science problems etc etc depends on place to place.

Fahm/idrak/marifat is different for different people.

Stick to ahle sunnat wal jamaat (largest group of ummah/sawad e azaam)

Don’t associate with firqas/denomination.(shaitan attacks people who are alone ,be with the group)

Be away from ignorant and arrogant people (without complete knowledge they debate).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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