Surah 9 and 10

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And pray you never over any of their dead, and not stand over his grave. No doubt, they rejected Allah and His Messenger and died while they were disobedient.9/84

And some villagers around you are hypocrites and some of the dwellers of Madina too, hypocrisy has become their habit. You know them not. We know them. We will soon torment them twice. Then they will be resumed to a great torment.9/101

You stand never in that mosque. No doubt the mosque whose foundation has been laid on righteousness from the very first day is worthy that you may stand therein. There in are those who desire to be well purified and Allah loves the pure.9/108

It was not proper for the inhabitants of Madina and the villagers around them to remain sitting behind the messenger of Allah, nor that they should consider their own lives more dear than his life. This is so because whatever they face as thirst or distress or hunger in the way of Allah, and wherever they tread a place which enrages the infidels for all these things, good deed is written for them. Assuredly Allah wastes not the reward of the good.9/120

And it is not possible for Muslims that all should come out. Then why should not a party from each group should come out that they may gain understanding of religion and warn their people after coming back to them, haply they may guard themselves.9/122

‘O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truthful.9/119

And say you. ‘work on, now Allah will behold your work and so His messenger and the muslims. And you will soon be returned to Him Who knows all unseen and visible. Then He will inform you what you used to do.9/105

They have taken their priests and monks as gods besides Allah and also Masih son of Maryam; and they were Commanded not but this that that they worship only one Allah; none is to be worshipped except He. Hallowed be He from their polytheism.9/31

No doubt, who believed and did good deeds, their Lord will gu/fide them on account of their faith; beneath them rivers will be flowing in the gardens of delight.10/9

No doubt, We ruined generations before you, when they crossed the limit, and their messengers came to them with bright evidences. And they were not such as to believe. Thus, We recompense the guilty.10/13

Thus, the word of your Lord is proved against the transgressors, that they will not believe.10/33

And of them, there is one who believes in it. And of them, there is one who does not believe in it, and your Lord knows well the mischief-makers.10/40

Will you then believe therein when it would occur actually? Do you now believe, whereas you were hastening for it before?10/51

‘O people! There has come an admonition to you from your Lord, and healing of hearts, and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.10/57

Those who believed and keep up their duty.10/63

Musa said, ‘O my people, if you have believed in Allah, then rely upon Him alone, if you are Muslims.10/84

No doubt, those against whom the word of your Lord has been proved correctly will not believe.10/96

And if your Lord had willed, all those who are in the earth would have believed together. Will you, then force people until they become Muslims?10/99

And no soul has power to believe but by the leave of Allah. And He lays His torment upon those who have no wisdom.10/100

Say you, ‘behold what is in the heavens and in the earth’! And signs and messengers give nothing to those. Who are not to believe.10/101

Then We shall deliver Our Messengers and the believers It is thus binding on Our mercy to deliver the Muslims.10/103

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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