Surah 7 Part 3

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And to Allah belongs all the best names, so call Him by them, and leave those who go out from truth with regard to His names, they will soon get for what they have done.7/180

Say you, ‘I am not independent for doing good and bad to my own self, but as Allah please. And if I would have known Unseen, then I would have gathered ample good, and no evil would have touched me, I am only a warner and giver of glad tidings to a people who believe.7/188

Then We delivered him and his family saves his wife, she was of those who remained behind.7/83

Those who belied Our signs and waxed proud against them, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them, nor they will enter the paradise until the camel enters-through the eye of a needle. And thus We requite the guilty.7/40

Then We changed the place of evil with good until they became numerous and said, “no doubt, sufferings and comforts visited our fathers,” then We seized them suddenly while they were unmindful.7/95

And remember when it was said to them, “Dwell in this town and eat from it whatever you like, and say, ‘our sins may be removed and enter the gate, prostrating, We shall forgive you yours sins. Soon We shall give more to righteous ones.7/161

And We made Musa a promise of thirty nights and completed adding ten more in them, so the promise of his Lord was completed by forty nights. And Musa said to his brother, Haroon, ‘be my vicegerent among my people and do right and follow not the way of mischief makers.’7/142

Say you, ‘who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which He brought forth for His bondmen and the pure foods? Say you. ‘That is for the believers in the world and is exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection. Thus We explain fully the signs for the people who have knowledge.7/32

He said, ‘surely there have befallen you the torment and wrath of Lord. Are you disputing with me only about those names which you and your fathers have named for which Allah has sent down no authority? Wait then; I also wait with you.7/71

And if We had willed, We would have lifted him on account of Our Signs, but he, clung to the earth and followed his desires, then his condition is like a dog, if you attack him, he brings his tongue out and if you leave him, he brings his tongue out. This is the condition of those who belied Our Signs. So you recount them the admonition haply they may ponder.7/176

And We brought the children of Israel across the river, and then they came upon a people sitting devotedly before their idols. They said, ‘O Musa, make for us a God just as they have so many gods. He said, ‘Surely you are an ignorant people’.7/138

And We divided them in twelve tribes, various communities. And We revealed to Musa, when his people asked him for water that strike with your staff this rock, then there gushed forth from it twelve Springs. Every community recognised its drinking place. And We made clouds as shades over them, and sent down Manna and Salwa upon them. Eat of the clean things We provided for you, and they harmed Us not, but they harmed their own souls.7/160

Then who is more unjust than he who has forged lie against Allah or has belied His signs? They will receive what is written in their lot till when Our Messengers came to them for taking away their souls, then they say to them, ‘where are those whom you used to worship beside Allah.’ They say, ‘they are lost from us.’ and they bear witness against their own souls that they were infidels.7/37

And those who accepted faith and did good deeds to their strength. We put not burden on anyone beyond his strength. They are companions of Paradise; they are to abide therein.7/42

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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