Surah 7 Part 2

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And when their eyes will turn towards the people of the Hell, they will say ‘O’ Our Lord! Keep us not with the unjust people.7/47

Then the earthquake took them so in the morning they lay prostrate in their homes.7/78

Then Saleh turned back his face from them and said, ‘O my people! Undoubtedly, I did deliver to you the messages of my Lord, and wished your good, but you do not approve the well wishers.7/79

Certainly we shall forge a lie against Allah, if we returned to your faith after Allah has delivered us from it. And it is not for we Muslims that we should come back in your faith but that Allah Who is our Lord so willed. The knowledge of our Lord comprehends everything. We have relied on Allah. O our Lord! Decide between us and our people with truth and Your decision is the best.7/89

Those who belied Shoaib as if they had never been dwelling in those homes. Those who belied Shoaib were the people who were ruined.7/92

Undoubtedly, those! Whom you worship besides Allah, are bondsmen like you, then call upon them and they respond to you, if you are truthful.7/194

Have they feet to walk with? Or have they hands to hold with? Or have they eyes to see with? Or have they ears to hear with? Say you, ‘Call upon your associates and then try your guile on me and give me no respite’.7/195

And those, whom you worship besides Him, can not help you, nor they help them selves.7/197

And if you call them towards guidance, they hear not. And you see them looking at you, and they see nothing.7/198

And O beloved Prophet remember, when your Lord brought forth from the loin of Adam’s children their seed and made themselves witnesses against own selves,’ ‘Am not your Lord? All said, ‘Why not we all bear witness’, lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, that we were not aware of it.7/172

‘O people! Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not go behind other masters leaving Him. Very little you understand.7/3

And when the Quran is recited, hear it patiently and be silent so that you may have mercy.7/204

‘O children of Adam! Take your adornment whenever you go to mosque and eat and drink and do not cross the limit. Undoubtedly, the persons crossing the limit are not liked by Him.7/31

They ask you concerning the Hour that when it is to come, Say you ‘the knowledge of it is only with my Lord, He alone will disclose it at its proper time’. It is lying heavy on the heavens and earth; it shall not come upon you but of a sudden. They ask you, as you have already investigated it well say you, ‘the knowledge of it is only with Allah’, but most people do not know.8/187

And when Musa came to Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he submitted, ‘O my Lord! Show me Your sight that I may behold You, Said He, you shall never see me; but look towards this mountain, if it remains standing at its place, then soon you will see Me. Then when his Lord made His light shine on the mountain, He broke it into pieces; and Musa fell down unconscious. Then when he came to senses, he said, hollowed be you turn towards you and I am the first of the Muslims.7/143

And (O listener!) if the evil-one (Satan) give you any pricking, then seek refuge of Allah. Undoubtedly, it is He Who is Hearing, Knowing.7/200

Said he, ‘O my people no error is in me; but I am Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds’.7/61

They said, ‘We are to return towards our Lord.7/125

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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