Surah 51-52-53

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

51/50, Therefore, flee towards Allah. Undoubtedly I am a clear warner to you from Him.

And then the distributors by command.51/4

And in your own selves. Do you not then perceive?51/21

Then he began to fear in his heart on account of them, they said, ‘fear not, and gave him glad tidings, of the birth of a son of knowledge.51/28

And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me.51/56

And those who believed and whose off-spring followed them with faith. We joined them with their offspring and diminished not anything from their deeds. All men are pledged in their deeds.52/21

Or they say ‘He has made this Quran, Nay rather they believe not’.52/33

Then (O beloved Prophet) admonish. By the grace of Allah neither you are a sooth sayer nor a madman.52/29

Undoubtedly, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, name the angels with the names of females.53/27

By the lovely shining star Muhammad, when he descended from the Ascension (Meraj).

Your companion neither went astray nor misled.And he speaks not of his own desire.

That is not but the revelation that is revealed to him.53/1-4

And he was on the highest horizon.53/7

Then that splendid sight drew nearer, then he came close well.53/8

So there was a distance of two hands between the Splendid sight and the beloved (Prophet) but rather less than that.53/9

Now He revealed to His bondman whatever He revealed.53/10

The heart lied not in what he saw.53/11

Do you then dispute with him concerning what he has seen?53/12

The eye deviated not, nor crossed the limit.53/17

Certainly, he saw very big signs of his Lord.53/18

Have you then seen Lat and Uzza?53/19

And the third Manat?53/20

What! For you the males and for Him the females.53/21

Then this is an unfair division.53/22

That is not, but some names, you and your fathers have named; Allah has not sent down any authority for them. They follow mere conjecture and desire of souls, whereas there has already come to them guidance from their Lord.53/23

And that verily, towards your Lord is the end.53/42

And that it is He Who is the Lord of the star Sirius.53/49

And for Allah is whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth so that He may recompense the evil doers for their doings and reward with best those who do good.53/31

Those who save themselves from grave sins and indecencies but to this extent that they approached sins and kept themselves aloof. Verily, the forgiving of your Lord is vast. He knows you well, He created you from the earth and when you were embryos in the bellies of your mothers. Therefore, tell not your souls as pure. He knows well who are pious.53/32

That no soul-bearing burden bears the burden of another.53/38

And that the man will not get but what he endeavors.53/39

Therefore prostrate yourselves for Allah and worship Him. [^] (SAJDA) 53/62

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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