Surah 5 Part 1

Shariath, surah

Surah 5 Part 1

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran 15

Undoubtedly, those are infidels who say, ‘Allah is third of the three Gods, and there is no God but the one God. And if they desist not from what they say, then a painful torment shall surely befall to those who will die as infidels..5/73

Then why they do not turn towards Allah and ask His Forgiveness? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.5/74

Say you, ‘Do you worship beside Allah, that which is neither master of your loss nor of profit. And Allah is the Hearing, the knowing.5/76

Moses submitted, ‘O my Lord! I have no control over any but myself and my bother then You keep us separate from these disobedients.2/25

‘O my people! Enter this Holy Land which Allah has written for you and turn not back, for you will turn in loss.5/21

‘O believers! Fear Allah and seek the means of approach to Him and strive in His way haply you may getprosperity.5/35

And when you call for prayer, they make it a mockery and a play-thing. That is because they are wholly unwise people.5/58

‘O believers! Stand-up firmly by the Commandments of Allah, bearing witness with justice and let not the enmity of any people incite you that you should not do justice. Do justice that is nearer to piety and fear Allah,undoubtedly, Allah is aware of your doings.5/8

‘O believers! Remember the favour of Allah upon you when a people intended to stretch out their handsagainst you, then He withheld their hands from you and fear Allah And on Allah only should the Muslims rely.5/11

‘O believer! Do not take the Jews and Christians as friends, they are friends of each other among themselves,and whoso of you makes them his friends, then he is one of them. Undoubtedly Allah guides not the people unjust.5/51

‘O believers! Do not take any of them as your friend who has made your religion a mockery and a play-thing those who were given the Book before you and the infidels, and remain fearing Allah if you believe.5/57

‘O believers! Make not unlawful the pure things, which Allah has made lawful for you and cross not the limit.Undoubtedly, Allah likes not those who cross the limit.5/87

‘O believers! Wine and gambling and idols and divining arrows are only unclean things, a work of devil (Satan)then save yourselves from them, so that you may prosper.5/90

‘O believers! Allah shall surely test you with some such game which your hands and lances may reach in orderthat Allah may make known those who fear Him without seeing, then after this who so crosses the limit, forhim is a painful punishment.5/94

‘O believers! ask not such things which if disclosed to you, may displease you; and if you will ask while the Quran is descending then they would be disclosed to you. Allah has already pardoned them. And Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing.5/101

‘O believers! Take care of yourselves. He, who has gone astray, will not harm you when you are on the right way. Towards Allah is the return of you all, then He will tell you what you were doing.5/105

Allah has promised to the believers and those who do good deeds that for them are forgiveness and a great reward.5/9

And the believers say. ‘Are they the same who swore by Allah in their Oaths with full strength that they were with you’? Their works were all destroyed. Then they were left in loss.5/53

Say you ‘O people of the Book! What seemed you bad of us, only this that we believe in Allah and what has been sent down to us and what was sent down before, and that most of you are dis-obedients.5/59

Undoubtedly, those who call themselves Muslims and in the same way the Jews and worshipers of stars(Sabaeans) and Christians, whoso of them believes with true heart in Allah and the Last Day and works good,then on them neither there is any fear nor any grief.5/69

And if they had believed in Allah and this prophet and what has been sent down to him, then they would not have taken the infidels as friends but, many of them are disobedients.5/81

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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