Surah 43-44-45

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And undoubtedly, We sent Musa with Our signs to Firawn and his chiefs, and he said, ‘undoubtedly, I am the Messenger of Him Who is the Lord of the entire world.43/46

Then when he brought Our signs to them, hence they began to laugh at them.43/47

And We showed them no signs but it was greater than its previous one and We seized them in misery in order that they may desist.43/48

And they said, ‘O magician! ‘pray your Lord for us because of His convenant which is with you, undoubtedly, we shall come to guidance’.43/49

Then when We removed from them the misery henceforth they broke the convenant.

And when the example of the son of Maryam is narrated, henceforth your people begin to laugh thereat.43/57

And say ‘are our Gods better or he? They said not this to you but for quarreling, Nay, but they are a people quarrel-some.43/58

And undoubtedly, Isa is the news of the Hour, therefore never doubt about the Hour and follow Me. This is the straight path.43/61

Fast friends shall be foes to one another on that day but the God-fearing.43/67

It will be said to them, O My Bondmen! there is no fear for you this day nor shall you grieve.43/68

Those who believed in Our signs and were Muslims.43/69

Enter you the Paradise, you and your wives joyfully and honorably.43/70

And He is the God of the people of heaven, and God of the people of earth. And’ He is the Wise, the Knowing.43/84

And those whom they worship beside Allah have no power of intercession, yes, those who bear witness to the truth and know have the power of intercession.43/86

If you ask them who created them, they will necessarily say, Allah, then whither they are turning away?43/87

 ( 44/1-3) Ha-Mim.By this luminous Book. Undoubtedly We sent it down in a blessed night; verily We are to warn.

They will say that day, ‘O our Lord! Remove from us the torment, We believe’.44/12

And if you believe not in me, go you apart from me.44/21

Undoubtedly, the God fearing is in a place of security.44/51

And We have made this Quran easy in your tongue so that they may understand.44/58

The day when a friend shall not avail a friend at all and nor they shall be helped.Save those on whom Allah has mercy. Undoubtedly He is the Honourable, the Merciful.44/41-42

Undoubtedly, there are signs in the heavens and the earth for the believers.45/3

These are the signs of Allah that We rehearse to you with truth. In what word then after leaving the signs ofAllah will they believe?45/6

This is a guidance, and for those who disbelieved the signs of their Lord is the severest punishment of a painfultorment.45/11

Do those who have committed evil deeds think that We shall make them like those who have believed and have done good works, so that their life and their death should be equal? What an evil judgement they give?45/21

But those who have believed and have done good works, their Lord will take them in His Mercy, This is theopen triumph.45/30

And those who disbelieved, it will be said to them, ‘were not My signs recited to you, but you used to waxproud and you were a people guilty.45/31

See you then, he who has made his desire to be his God and Allah led him astray despite his knowledge and set a seal upon his ears and his heart and laid a covering on his eyes. Who would guide him after Allah. Do you not then heed?45/23

Whosoever does good, does it for his own soul, and whosoever does evil, does it for his own loss. Then to your Lord will you all be returned back.45/15

And it will be said ‘to them, ‘Today We shall leave you as you had forgotten the meeting of this your day, and your destination is the fire and you have no helper.45/34

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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