Surah 4 and 5

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran 14

‘O Listener! Whatsoever good reaches to you is from Allah, and whatsoever bad reaches to you is from yourself. And O beloved! We have sent you, as a Messenger to all mankind and Allah is sufficient Witness.(4/79),

And he who comes out from his home, emigrating towards Allah and messenger, then death overtakes him, then his reward lies on Allah And Allah is Forgiving Merciful.4/100

These are they whom Allah has cursed. And he whom Allah curses, you shall never find for him any helper.4/52

Some of the Jews pervert words from their places; and say, ‘We have heard and we disobey, and hear you, ontinue not making us hear, ‘and say RAINA twisting their tongues and taunting in Faith. And if they say that we have heard and obeyed, and sir hear our talks and sir look at us, it would have been better for them andmore upright. But Allah has cursed them for their infidelity, so they believe not, save a little.4/46

Undoubtedly, Allah forgives not that infidelity be done with Him and whatever is less than infidelity forgives homsoever He pleases, And whoso associates partners with Allah has forged a great sin.4/48

And those who spend their wealth to show off to men and do riot have faith unto Allah and nor the Last Day and whose companion has become Satan, then what an evil companion is he?4/38

And worship Allah, and do not associate anyone with Him and do good to parents, and to relatives andorphans, and the needy, and the near neighbour and the distant neighbour and the companion of your side and the wayfarer and to your male and female servants. Undoubtedly, Allah loves not the proud, boastful.4/36

Those who consume the property of orphans unjustly, they fill in their belies with fire only, and they shall soonenter into the flaming fire.4/10

If You punish them, they are Your bondmen, and if You forgive them, then undoubtedly, You are only the Dominant, the Wise.5/118

And when they hear what has been sent down towards the Messenger, then see, their eyes are overflowing tears because they have recognised the truth they say, ‘O our Lord we have accepted faith, then write us down among the witnesses of truth.5/83

This day the infidels are despaired of your religion then fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen Islam as religion for you. But whoso is forced by extreme hunger thirst without inclining towards sin, then undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.5/3

Only Allah is your friend and His Messenger and the believers that they establish the prayer and pay the poordue and are bowed down before Allah.5/55

And whoso takes Allah and His Messenger and Muslims as his fiends, then undoubtedly, the party of Allah only is dominant.5/56

Two men of those who feared Allah whom Allah had favoured said, ‘enter the gate forcibly against them, if you enter the gate then there is only yours, victory, and put your trust in Allah only, if you believe.5/23

Allah has not appointed any ‘Bahira’ and nor ‘Saiba’ and nor ‘Wasila’ and nor ‘Hami’ (names of sacred animals she camels and she goats of the time of Pagans) but yes, the infidels fabricate the lie against Allah. And most of them are perfectly unwise.5/103

And when it is said to them, ‘come to what Allah has sent down and to the Messenger’, they say,’ enough for us is that wherein we found, our fathers, what! Even though their fathers knew nothing nor were guided.5/104

And when Allah will say, ‘O Issa son of Maryam! Did you tell to people, ‘make me and my mother two gods besides Allah’? He will submit ‘bellowed be You, it is not justified for me that I should tell the thing to which I have no reach. ‘If I had said that You would surely have known it You know what is in my heart and I do not know what is in Your knowledge. Undoubtedly, it is You only, Knower of, all hidden things.5/116

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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