Surah 34 And 35

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And intercession with Him is of no use but for him about whom He permits, until when after giving permission the bewilderment of their hearts is removed they say to one another, what is it that your Lord has said? They say ‘whatever He said, said truth,’ And He is the Exalted, The Great.34/23

And the infidels said, ‘We shall never believe, in this Quran and nor in those books which were before it.’ And if you could see when the unjust will be made to stand before their Lord; they shall cast back the word one against the other, those who were pressed will say to those who were swelled with pride, ‘if you had not been, we would surely have believed.’34/31

And your wealth and your children are not capable of bringing you near to Us but those who believed and did righteousness have double reward the recompense of their doings and they are secure in lofty mansions.34/37

And the day He will raise up all of them, He will then say to the angels, ‘did these men use to worship you?’34/40

Say you, ‘if I might have asked you some reward against it, then it is yours.’ My reward is only upon Allah, and He is witness over everything.34/47

For the infidels there is severe torment and those who have believed and have done good works, for them isForgiveness and great reward.35/7

(35/22) And equal are not the living and the dead. Undoubtedly, Allah causes him to hear whom He pleases; and youare not to make those who are lying in their graves to hear.

Undoubtedly, the devil is your enemy. He only invites his party that they be among the companions of the Hell.35/6

Will he in whose sight his evil work has been adorned so that he thought, it good, be like him who is guided? Therefore Allah leads astray whom He please and guides whom He pleases. So let not your soul be gone away in regrets for them, Allah knows well whatever they do.35/8

Whoever desires honour, then all honours belong to Allah. Towards Him ascends all pure words, and the righteous work does He exalt. And those who plot evils, for them is the severe torment. And the plotting of these only will perish.35/10

He brings the night into the day and brings the day into the night and He has engaged the sun and the moon into services; every one run upto an appointed time. This is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom. And those whom you worship beside Him, own not even the husk of a date palm.35/13

If you invoke them they will not listen to your call, and even if they heard they could not grant your wish. And on the Day of judgement they will deny your associating. And none will inform you like the All Aware.35/14

‘O mankind! You are all in need of Allah. And Allah only, He is all-Independent, All praised.35/15

And no soul bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. And if any one heavily loaded calls any other to share its load, not anyone-will bear anything from its burden, even though he may be a near relation. 35/18

O beloved! Your warning is useful only for those who fear their Lord with out seeing and establish prayer. And who became purified, purified himself for his own good. And to Allah is the return.35/18

And the blind and seeing are not equal.35/19

And nor the darkness and the light.35/20

And nor the shadow and the heat of the full sun.35/21

You are but a warner.35/23

And if they belie you’ then those before you have already belied, there came to them their Messengers with clear proofs and with the scriptures and the shining Book.35/25

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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