Surah 33 Part 1

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

Call them after their fathers, this is more justified in the sight of Allah, but if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in faith and as human being your cousin. And there is no blame on you regarding what has been committed by you unintentionally, yes that is a sin, which you may commit with the intention of your heart. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.33/5

This prophet is the owner of the Muslims even more than their own selves and his wives are their mothers. And blood relations are nearer to one another in the Book of Allah than other Muslims and emigrants but that you do any favour to your friends. This is inscribed in the Book.33/6

When the infidel’s came upon you from above you, and from below you and when eyes drew back in amazement and your hearts reached your throats and you began to think diverse thoughts about allah (of hopes and despairs).33/10

Say you, ‘Flight will never profit you, if you flee from death or slaying, and even then you shall not be allowed to enjoy the world but a little’.33/16

They are niggardly in helping you, then when the time of fear comes to them, you will see them that they are looking towards you, their eyes are rolling as the death, has covered anyone, then when the time of fear has passed away, they began to taunt you with sharp toungs being greedy of the booty. These people have never believed, therefore Allah has nullified their works, and this is an easy thing for Allah.33/19

That Allah may recompense the truthful ones for their truth and torment the hypocrites, if He will or He may turn towards them. Undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.33/24

‘O the Communicator of unseen (prophet) says to your wives, ‘If you wish the life of the world and its adornment, then come, I provide you wealth and leave you in a well manner.33/28

And if you wish Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter then undoubtedly, Allah has kept prepared for the well doers among you a great reward.33/29

‘O wives of the prophet’ you are not like other women if you fear Allah, therefore be not so polite in your speech lest one in whose heart is a disease should feel tempted, yes, speak good words.33/32

And remain stay in your houses and be not unveiled like that of the unveiling of the former days of ignorance, and establish prayer and pay the poor-due (Zakat) and obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires O! The members of the family of the prophet! That He may remove from you every uncleanness and purify you well after cleaning you thoroughly.33/33

And it is not befitting to a Muslim man or Muslim woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed something that they would have any choice in their matters, and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he undoubtedly, has strayed away manifestly.33/36

And O beloved! Remember when you did say to him whom Allah bestowed a favour and you had bestowed a favour, ‘keep your wife with yourself and fear Allah and you had in your heart what Allah had willed to disclose and you were afraid of people’s taunting remarks; and Allah has a greater right that you should fear Him. 33/37

There is no hindrance for the prophet regarding that which Allah has appointed for him. Such has been the practice of Allah among those who have gone before and the command of Allah is the ordained destiny.33/38

Those who deliver the messages of Allah, fear Him, and fear none except Allah. And Allah is Sufficient as a Reckoner.33/39

Mohammed is not the father of any of your men; yes He is the Messenger of Allah and the last one among all the prophets. And Allah knows all things.33/40

It is He Who sends blessings on you and His angels too that He may bring you forth from darkness into light. And He is Merciful to the Muslims.33/43

‘O prophet! The Communicator of unseen news, no doubt, We have sent you as a present beholder and bearer of glad tiding and a warner.33/45

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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