Surah 3 Part 4

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran 10

And remember when Allah took from the prophets their covenant whatever I should give you of the Book and wisdom then comes to you the Messenger confirming your Books, then assuredly you shall believe in him and assuredly you help him. He said, ‘do you agree, and do you accept My heavy responsibility on it. All submitted ‘We did affirm, He said, ‘then be witness against one another and I am myself among witnesses with you.3/81

Then, do they like a religion other than the religion of Allah? And to Him has submitted whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returned.3/83

Those who spend in the path of Allah in prosperity and adversity and who restrain anger and who pardon men. And virtuous people are dear to Allah.3/134

Then, it is of the mercy of Allah that O beloved! You became gentle for them and if you had been hot headed, hard hearted, then they certainly would have dispersed from your circle, so pardon them and intercede for them and consult them in the affairs; and when you have made up your mind for any thing, then put your trust in Allah. Undoubtedly the trustful are dear to Allah.3/159

‘O Listener! Let not deceive you the strutting about of the infidels in the cities.A brief enjoyment; their abode is the Hell and what an evil bed!3/196-197

And many a prophet fought, with them there were many god-men, they fell not sluggish with the miseries they faced in the path of Allah, and neither became weak nor gave in. And the steadfast are dear to Allah.3/146

And Muhammad is only a Messenger. There have been many other messengers before him. Will you then, if he departs or be slain, turn back on your heels? And he, who will turn back on his heels, shall not harm Allah at all. And very soon Allah will recompense the thankful.3/144

Allah bore witness that none is to be worshiped save He, and the angels and the men of learning (too) standing with justice; none is to be worshiped save He, the most Reverend, Wise.3/18

(3/191), Who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides,and contemplate in the creation of heavens and earth; (saying) “O our Lord! You have not made it invain, Hallowed be You, You save us from the torment of the Hell.

And that He might make one to distinguish the hypocrites and it was said to them, “come, fight in the way of Allah or drive out the enemy”. They said, “If we knew fighting, then certainly we would have sided you.” And they on that day were nearer to apparent infidelity than to expressed faith. They say with their mouths, what is not in their hearts. And Allah knows what they are concealing.3/167

She said, ‘O my Lord! From where shall I have a son no person has touched me. Said He, “Allah creates in such a way what He pleases”. When He decrees any thing, then He only says to it ‘Be! And it is.3/47

Undoubtedly, in the creation of heavens and earth and in the mutual alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding.3/190

Allah is. Beside Whom none is to be worshiped. Self-Living, Sustainer of others.3/2

Therefore her Lord accepted her graciously and caused her to grow an excellent growth and gave her under the guardianship of ‘Zakaria’. Whenever Zakaria went to her place of prayer, he found new provision with her. He said! O Mary! Whence came this to you? She spoke, ‘that is from Allah,’ No doubt, Allah gives whomsoever He pleases without measure.Here Zakaria called his Lord, said, ‘O my Lord! Give me from Yourself pure offspring; no doubt, You only are the Hearer of prayers.3/37-38

Say you, O people of the Book! Come towards such a word which is common between us and you, that is we worship none but Allah and associate no partner with Him; and none of us make one another as Lord beside Allah; then if they do not accept then say, ‘bear witness that we are Muslims.’3/64

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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