Surah 28 And 29

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And had it not so happened if any calamity would have touched them for what their hands have sent before,they would say, ‘O our Lord, why did you not send any Messenger towards us that we might have followed your signs and might have believed.28/47

Undoubtedly, this is not that you may guide whomsoever you like on your own accord, yes, Allah guides whomsoever He will. And He knows well who are the guided.28/56

And they say, ‘if we follow guidance with you we shall be taken away from our land by the people’. Have We not provided them a place in the safe sanctuary towards which all kinds of fruits are brought, a provision from Us? But most of them know not.28/57

And your Lord destroys not the cities until He sends in their real resort a Messenger who may recite Our signs to them; and We destroy not the cities but when their inhabitants are oppressors.28/59

And your Lord creates whatsoever He will and chooses. They have no power, Sanctified and Exalted is Allah from their association.28/68

Undoubtedly, Quaroon (Korah) was of the people of Musa, then he showed high handedness against them, and We gave him so much treasures whose keys were a heavy burden over a party of strong men. When his people said to him, ‘Exult not, undoubtedly Allah loves not those who exult.28/76

And seek by means of that treasure which Allah has bestowed to you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your share in the world and do good as Allah has done good to you and seek not mischief in the land. Undoubtedly Allah loves not the mischief-makers.28/77

He said, ‘this indeed has been given to me because of a knowledge, which is with me.And does he not know that Allah has destroyed before him such generations who were stronger in strength the him and greater in accumulation? And the culprits shall be questioned of their sins.28/78

And worship not another god with Allah. There is no god besides Him. Everything is perishable save His Being. His is the command and towards Him, you shall be returned.28/88

[ 29/64] And this life of the world is nothing but sport and play. And undoubtedly the home of the Hereafter, necessarily that is the true life. What a good thing it was if they knew.

Are the people proud of this thinking that they will be left alone because they say, ‘We believe and they will not be tested?29/2

And those who have believed and have done good deeds, We shall necessarily, remove their evils, and shall necessarily recompense them for the best work with their doings.29/7

And those who have believed and have done good works, necessarily We shall admit them among the righteous.29/9

And surely Allah will disclose the believers and will surely disclose the hypocrites.29/11

And those who believed not in My signs and meeting with Me, it is they who have no hope of My mercy and forthem is the painful torment.29/23

Then his people could answer nothing but that they said, ‘slay him or burn him, then Allah rescued him fromthe fire, undoubtedly, in it surely are signs for the believers.29/24

Then Lut believed him. And Ibrahim said, ‘I migrate towards my Lord’. Undoubtedly, only He it is, the Mighty,the Wise.29/26

Does it not suffice them that We have sent down upon you the Book that is recited to them? Undoubtedly, in it there is mercy and admonition for the believers.29/51

‘O My bondmen! who have believed, no doubt, My Land is spacious, therefore worship Me only.29/56

And the infidels said to the Muslims, ‘follow our pat hand we shall bear your sins’. Whereas they shall not bear anything out of their sins. Undoubtedly, they are liars.29/12

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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