Surah 27 And 28

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

I saw a woman reigning over them, she has got of everything, and she has a great throne.27/23

Sulaiman said, O chiefs, ‘which is of you who may bring her throne to me before they come to me submitting?27/38

One big evil Jin said, ‘I will bring you that throne before you rise from your sitting; and undoubtedly, I am powerful over that, trust worthy.27/39

One who had knowledge of the Book said, ‘I shall bring it to you before twinkling of the eye.’ Then when Sulaiman saw the throne set before him said, ‘this is of the grace of my Lord that He may try me whether I am grateful or ungrateful.’ And whosoever is grateful is grateful for his own good. And whosoever is ungrateful, then my Lord is self-sufficient, All Virtuous.27/40

It was said to her, ‘come to the courtyard. Then when she saw it, she thought it a deep water and uncovered shanks. Sulaiman said, ‘it is a soft courtyard set with glasses.’ The woman said, ‘O my Lord I have wronged my soul and now I submit with Sulaiman before Allah Who is the Lord of entire world’.27/44

Saleh said, ‘O my people, why you hasten the evil before the good’? Why do you not ask forgiveness of Allah haply you may be shown mercy?27/46

And We rescued those who believed and used to fear.27/53

Say you, ‘whosoever are in the heavens and earth do not know themselves the unseen but Allah’. And they do not know when they will be raised up’.27/65

Undoubtedly you can not make the dead hear, and nor you can make the deaf to hear the call, when they turn showing their backs.27/80

 (28/68) And your Lord creates whatsoever He will and chooses. They have no power, Sanctified and Exalted is Allah from their association.

(28/4) Undoubtedly, Firawn had got control in the earth and made its people his subordinates, he sought to weaken a group of them, slay their sons and let their women live. Undoubtedly, he was mischief-maker.

We recite to you the true news of Musa and Firawn (Pharaoh), for those who believe.28/3

Those to whom We gave the Book before it, they believe in it.28/52

And when these signs are recited to them they say, ‘We believed in it, undoubtedly, it is the only truth from our Lord, We had already submitted even before.28/53

But as for him who repented and believed and did good deeds; it is near that he may be successful.28/67

And those who were given knowledge said, ‘woe to you’, Allah’s reward is better for him who believes and does good work, and it is given only to those who are patient.28/80

And next morning the heart of the mother of Musa became impatient. Surely, it was near that she might have disclosed his condition, if We had not solaced her heart, that she might remain believing on Our promise.28/10

And when he reached his grown up age and attained his full strength, We bestowed him judgement and knowledge. And thus We reward the good doers.28/14

He submitted, ‘O my Lord’, ‘I have exceeded the limit against my soul, therefore forgive me, then the Lord forgave him. Undoubtedly, He it is the Forgiving, Merciful.28/16

Every soul is to taste death, then you shall return to Us.28/57

Undoubtedly, Firawn had got control in the earth and made its people his subordinates, he sought to weaken a group of them, slay their sons and let their women live. Undoubtedly, he was mischief-maker.28/4

Then Musa watered their animals for them both, then turned back towards the shade, and said, ‘O my Lord’, I am in need of that food which You may send down for me.’28/24

Therefore We seized him and his army and cast them into the river. See them, how became the end of the oppressors.28/40

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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