Surah 24

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

‘O believers! enter not houses other than your own, until you take permission and salute the residents thereof.This is better for you, haply you may be heedful.24/27

The adulterer should not marry but an adulteress or an associatoress and marry not an adulteress but an adulterer or associator, and this deed is forbidden to the believers.24/3

Allah admonishes you now never repeat like of it if you believe.24/17

And they say, ‘We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger and we obeyed, then some of them turn away after this. And they are not Muslims.24/47

By men whom neither trade nor business diverts from the remembrance of Allah and performing of prayer and paying of the poordue (Zakat) They fear a day in which hearts and eyes shall be turned about.24/37

Is in their hearts a disease? Or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger will be unjust to them? Nay, they themselves are unjust.24/50

Why it did not happen when you had heard it that the Muslim men and Muslim women would have thought good of their own people, and say, ‘this is the manifest slander’.24/12

Those who desire that scandal should spread among the Muslims, for them is the painful torment in this world And the Hereafter And Allah knows and you know not.24/19

Order the Muslim men to lower down their sights a little and to guard their private parts. This is cleaner for them, undoubtedly, Allah is Aware of their deeds.24/30

The adulteress and the adulterer, then flog each of them with hundred stripes, and you should not be compassionate for them in the religion of Allah if you believe in Allah and the Last day. And let a party of the Muslims be present at the time of their punishment.24/2

Why did they not bring four witnesses against it? Therefore, since they did not ‘ bring witnesses’ they are indeed liars in the sight of Allah.24/13

‘O believers; follow not the footsteps of the devil (Satan). And who-ever follows the footsteps of the devil (Satan) then he will indeed tell you only indecency and evil things. And if there had not been the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, no one of you could have ever been cleansed, Yes Allah cleanses whosoever He like. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.24/21

And swear not those among you who are men of excellence and of means against giving to the kinsmen and to the needy and to the emigrants in the way of Allah; and let them forgive and overlook. Do you not love thatAllah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.24/22

Undoubtedly, those who malign, unaware chaste believing women, are cursed in the world and the Hereafter. And for them is the mighty torment.24/23

Dirty women are for dirty men and dirty men for dirty women and clean women are for clean men and clean men for clean women; they are free from what they are saying. For them is forgiveness and honorable provision.24/26

But if you find not anyone therein, then also enter them not without the permission of the owners; and if you are told to go back, then go back, this is cleaner to you. And Allah knows your deeds.24/28

and put not their feet forcibly on the ground that hidden adornment may be known. And repent to Allah, O Muslims all together, haply you may get prosperity.24/31

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a chandelier (of glass). The chandelier is as it were a star glittering like a pearl; it is lighted from the blessed olive tree which is neither of east nor of west, it is near that its oil may flare up even though the fire touches it not. The Light is upon the Light. Allah guides to His Light whomsoever He will and Allah narrates examples for the people. And Allah knows all things.24/35

In those houses, which Allah has ordered to be raised up and in them His name is remembered, Allah is glorified therein in the mornings and the evenings.24/36

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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