Surah 19 Part 1

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

(19/31) And he made me blessed wherever I may be and enjoined on me prayer and poor due (Zakat) so long as I live.

And warn them of the Day of regret when the matter would have been decreed and they are in negligence and they believe not.19/39

But those who repented and believed and did good deeds, then these people will enter Heaven and they will not be wronged in the least.19/60

Have you seen him who has disbelieved in Our Signs and says, ‘I shall surely be given wealth and children?’19/77

Undoubtedly, those who believed and did good deeds soon the Most Affectionate will make for them love.19/96

And kind-heartedness from purity and Us. And he was utmost God fearing.19/13

And when Our bright verses are recited to them, the infidels say to Muslims, ‘which of the group’s house is good and better in assembly.19/73

 (19/59) Then after them came those degenerate who wasted prayer and followed their lust then soon they will encounter a valley of the hell.

(19/24) Then one called from underneath her, grieve not undoubtedly, your Lord has caused to flow a rivulet below you.

When he called his Lord secretly.19/3

‘O Zakaria! We give you glad tiding of a son whose name is Yahya. We have not made anyone of this name before him.19/7

And kind-heartedness from purity and Us. And he was utmost God fearing.19/13

Then she put a screen away from them, then We sent Our spiritual towards her, and he appeared before her in the shape of healthy man.19/17

She said, ‘I beg refuge of the Most Affectionate from you if you are afraid of God’.19/18

He said, ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord. That I may give you a pure son’.19/19

Then one called from underneath her, grieve not undoubtedly, your Lord has caused to flow a rivulet below you.19/24

And shake towards yourself holding the trunk of the palm tree, fresh and ripe dates will fall upon you.19/25

The baby said, ‘I am a bondman of Allah, He gave me the Book and made me the communicator of unseen news (the Prophet).19/30

‘O my father! Serve not e devil (Satan) undoubtedly, the devil is disobedient against the Most Affectionate’.19/44

And remember Ismail in the Book, undoubtedly, he was true in promise and was a messenger, a communicator of unseen news (Prophet).19/54

 (And Gabriel said to the beloved Prophet), ‘we angels do not descend but by the command of your honor’s Lord. His is whatever is before us and whatsoever is behind us and whatsoever is in between and your honor’s Lord is never forgetful.19/64

Have you seen him who has disbelieved in Our Signs and says, ‘I shall surely be given wealth and children?’19/77

And they have taken other gods beside Allah that they may give them strength.19/81

The people are not the owner of intercession but only those who have taken a covenant with the Most Affectionate.19/87

The infidels said, the Most Affectionate has taken a son’.19/88

No doubt, you brought a thing of heavy limit. (Most evil).19/89

It is near that the heavens may burst by it and the earth may crack down and the mountains fell down collapsed.19/90

That because they ascribed a son to the- Most Affectionate.19/91

And it behaves not the Most Affectionate that he should take a son.19/92

All who are in heavens and earth. They shall come to the Most Affectionate as bondmen.19/93

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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