Surah 10 Part 1

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

Then if you turn your face, then I ask not any wage from you. My wage is only with Allah, and I have been ordered to be of Muslims.10/72

And We revealed to Musa and his brother, build houses for your people in Egypt. And make your house the place of prayer, and establish prayer and give glad tidings to Muslims.10/87

Then it will be said to the wrongdoers. ‘Taste the torment everlasting. You will get nothing more as recompense but what ever you used to earn.10/52

And they worship besides Allah that which neither harms them nor does any good and say, ‘these are our intercessors with Allah’. Say you, ‘Do you tell to Allah the thing which is not in His Knowledge either in heavens or on earth. Holy is He and exalted is He from their association.10/18

And they say, ‘why has not a sign been sent down to them from their Lord? Say you, ‘the hidden is for Allah, now wait, I am also waiting with you.10/20

And Allah calls towards the home of peace. And guides whomsoever He will to the straight path.10/25

For the good-doers there is good and even more than that. And neither darkness nor insult will cover their faces. It is they who are the inhabitants of Paradise and they will abide therein for ever.10/26

Then Allah is sufficient as witness between you and us, that we were not aware of your worship.10/29

Here every soul will test what it sent before, and they shall be resumed to Allah, who is their true Master, and their all fabrications shall be lost from them.10/30

No doubt, your Lord is Allah Who made the heavens and earth in six days, then seated Himself on the Thronebefitting to His Dignity, He plans the work. No intercessor is there but after His leave. This is Allah your Lord,then worship Him. Do you then not ponder?10/3

Say you, ‘who provides you from the heaven and the earth: or who is the master of ear and eyes: and whobrings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living and who plans all affairs? They willthen now say, ‘Allah then say you, ‘why do not you fear then?’10/31

This then is Allah. Your true Lord. What remains then after the truth but erring then where are you turningaway.10/32

Say you, ‘Is there any of your associates that may guide to the truth? Say you, ‘Allah guides to the truth.’ Thenshould He Who guides to the truth be followed; or he who himself finds not the guidance unless is guided?Then what happened to you? How do you judge?10/35

And most of them follow not but conjecture. Undoubtedly, conjecture avails not against truth. No doubt, Allahknows their works.10/36

And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that any one might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah,Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detail explanation of what is written in the Table, thereis no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds.10/37

Say, you ‘I have no (Personal) power of the good and bad for myself but whatever Allah pleases.’ For everynation there is fixed term. When their term will come, then neither they can stay behind for an hour, nor canthey advance.10/49

Say- you, ‘only Allah’ grace and only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all theirwealth.10/58

And you are busy in any work, and recite any Quran from Him, and you perform any act, We are witnessesover you when do you commence it. And there is nothing hidden from your Lord even an atom’ weight in theearth or in heaven, and there is nothing smaller than that or greater but it is in a luminous Book.10/61

Listen carefully! No doubt, there is no fear nor any grief upon the friends of Allah.10/62

Those who believed and keep up their duty.10/63

For them are glad tidings in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. The words of Allah are not changed.That indeed is the supreme triumphs.10/64

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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