Surah 10 and 11

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And you be not grieved by their words. No doubt, all honour belongs to Allah. ‘It is He who hears, knows.10/65

Listen, no doubt, all who are in the heavens and all in the earth belong to Allah. And what they are followingthose. who are calling associates besides Allah? They follow nothing but fancy. And they are doing nothing butconjecturing.10/66

They said, ‘We relied only upon Allah. Our Lord makes us not a test for unjust people.10/85

And O listener! If you are in some doubt regarding what We have sent down towards you, then ask those whorecite the Book before you, Indeed the truth has come to you from your Lord, then you never be of those whodoubt.10/94

And that: keep your face straight for the religion leaving all others, and never be of the polytheists.10/105

And worship not besides Allah that which can neither profit you nor harm you. Then if you do, then at that timethou would not be of the unjust.10/106

No doubt those who believed, and did good deeds and turned humbly towards their Lord, they are the men of Heaven, therein they shall abide.11/23

And it was revealed to Nuh, ‘none of your people will become Muslim but those who have already believed, grieve not then at what they do.11/36

And that which is left from the provision of Allah is better for you, if you believe, and I am not over you a guardian.11/86

Allah knows well what ever is in their hearts. If I do so, then surely I am of the unjust.11/31

No doubt, Ibrahim is clement most tender hearted, penitent.11/75

And do not lean towards wrong doers, lest the Fire Should touch you, and you have no supporter besides Allah, then you will not be helped.11/113

11/115 And be patient, Allah wastes not the reward of the righteous

And that. you ask forgiveness of your Lord then repent to Him. He will give you a good pulling until anappointed term, and will cause to reach His grace to every man of grace, and if you turn your face, then I fearfor you the torment of a Great Day.11/3

Whoever desires the life of the world and its adornment, We will give their full fruit in it and will not lessenanything therein.These are they for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire. And what ever they used to do there, isdestroyed and all their works became void.11/15-16

They are unable to fatigue in the earth, nor besides Allah they have any helper. They will face torment overtorment. They could neither hear nor see.11/20

Then the chiefs of the unbelievers of his people spoke, ‘We see you a man like us, and we see not that any onewho has followed you but the meanest of us inadvertently, and we do not find in you any superiority over us;but rather we think you a liar.11/27

And O people! I ask no wealth on it from you. My reward is only with Allah and I am not to drive awayMuslims. No doubt, they are to meet their Lord, but I find you wholly ignorant people.11/29

‘And I say not to you, ‘I have treasures of Allah with me, and nor I get the unseen known myself and nor I saythis, ‘I am an angel, and nor I say those whom your eyes despise, ‘Allah will never bestow any good to them.’Allah knows well what ever is in their hearts. If I do so, then surely I am of the unjust.11/31

And it is sailing with them amidst such waves as mountain. And Nuh called his son, embark with us and be notwith the infidels.11/42

It was said. ‘O Nuh; get down from the ark with peace from Us and with blessings on you and on some partieswith you. And there are some parties whom We shall allow to enjoy in the world, then a painful torment willreach them.11/48

And towards Thamud (We sent) Saleh a compatriot of their own. He said, ‘O my people, worship Allah. Youhave no deity beside Him. He evolved you from the earth and caused you to live therein, then beg forgivenessof Him’ then turn to Him. No doubt’ my Lord is near. Responsive.’11/61

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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