
Shariath, Sin

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

LIST OF 70 MAJOR SINS —1.  Associating partners with Allah (Shirk) 2. Committing murder3. Practising black magic 4. Not performing the Prayers 5. With holding the Zakah (Charity ) 6. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse 7. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so 8. Disobeying and Disrespect to parents9. Cutting off the ties of relationships 10. Committing adultery or fornication 11. Committing sodomy 12. Taking or paying interest (Riba) 13. Devouring the wealth of orphans 15. Running away from the battlefield  16. Wrongdoing, deception or oppression on the part of the ruler 17. Pride and arrogance18. Ungratefulness 19. Drinking alcoholic beverages 20. Gambling 21. Slandering innocent women 22. Stealing from Exploits of war and from the money of the Zakaat 23. Consuming forbidden wealth or taking it by any means. Such as manipulation one’s inheritance . 24. Committing highway robbery 25. Making false oath 26. Committing oppression 27. Levying illegal taxes 28. Stealing 29. Committing suicide 30. Being a perpetual liar 31. Judging unjustly  32. Engaging in bribery 33. Women appearing like men and vice-versa 34. Being a pimp 35. Marrying for the purpose of making a woman allowable for another 36. Not keeping clean from the remains of urine 37. Showing off – Ostentations 38. Acquiring knowledge only for worldly gain or concealing knowledge 39. Breaching trusts 40. Reminding people of one’s kindness42. Spying and Eavesdropping on other’s private conversation 41. Rebellion & Charging of Unbelief 43. Spreading harmful tales (namimah) 44. Cursing others 45. Not fulfilling one’s promises 46. Believing in what soothsayers & astrologers say 47. A wife being rebellious to her husband 48. Making statues and pictures 49. Striking one’s self, wailing, tearing one’s clothing, pulling one’s hair & similar deeds as a form of mourning 50. Committing injustice 51. Being overbearing or taking advantage of the weak, slaves, wives or animals 52. Harming neighbours 53. Harming and abusing Muslims 54. Trailing one’s garment in pride – i.e. below the ankles out of pride 55. Harming the Friend’s of Allah 56. Men wearing silk & gold 57. A slave’s running away from his master 58. Sacrificing animals for other than Allah(not saying bismillahi Allahu akber while slaughtering) 59. Claiming that somebody is one’s father while the claimant knows it is not true 60. Arguing or quarrelling for show & not seeking the truth 61. Not allowing excess water to flow to others 62. Dealing in Fraud  63. Disbelieving Fate  64. Eating carrion, blood or pork meat 65. Despairing from Allah’s Help or forgiveness 67. Preaching Error or Establishing Errors 68. Being Deceiving and plotting evil 69. Pointing a weapon at a Muslim Brother 70. Abusing or reviling anyone of the Companions of the Prophet (ﷺ)



Six ways how minor Sins became Major sins ——-1.repeatation of sins 2.Thinking Sins as small thing 3.To enjoin sins 4.Deluded of not being punished 5. Making Sins Public

CURE FOR SINS – go to the garden of iman (faith and trust) check out and follow these 1.intentions 2. repentence 3.reflection 4.cautioness 5.understanding 6.certainity 7.sincerity 8.diligence 10.taking heed. Take these and crush with tears and wait for hope with contentment.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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