
Shariat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Taqwa/God fearing are those –1.they seek only allah’s pleasure in their works 2.ask forgiveness regularly 3.steadfast on deen 4.truthful in their words and deeds 5.submissive in devotion and obedience 6.spend in the way of allah 7.rise in the later hours of the night to impore allah’s pardon 3/18

Steadfastness =obedience to allah +spiritual excellence (in action and state of mind)31/22

Highest taqwa/avoiding sins =fear allah the most+ practice tauheed  and charity 23/61

Men of truth= establish prayers+pay zakat+ enjoin righteousness+forbid evil 22/41

Immense reward 1.obey allah and his rasool(saws) 2.must possess spiritual excellence 3.must be god fearing 3/172

Godfearing/taqwa = will (be seated) in special nearness to the Sovereign Lord of (true) power during holy sessions.54/55

True righteousness/truthfull(siddiqin) has the following

1.proper belief 2.spending for allah’s raza 3.establishing prayers 4.paying zakat 5.fulfilling promises 6.steadfast in hardship/sufferings 7.jihad

people of spiritual excellence = sleep at night only for a short while+seek forgiveness in the later part of the night+ help  beggars and the destitute (i.e., all the needy).51/19

5/35. O believers! Fear Allah persistently and keep looking for means to (approach and get closer to) Him and strive hard in His way so that you may prosper.

Change into a righteous person (practically), you will have nothing to fear nor grieve 6/48

‘Establish Prayer and always fear Him, 6/71

Mosque must be built by people 1.who fear allah 2.remain purified both physically and spiritually 3.built for seeking pleasure of allah   9/110

Fear allah, he alone manages the total cosmic/universe systems 10/31

people who fear allah the most have the best results 20/132

Tauheed -Are those (slaves), whom you possess, your partners in the wealth which We have given you, that you (all) become equal sharers (owners? Moreover, do) you fear them as you fear one another? (No,) We explain the signs expressly in the same way for those who possess wisdom (that there is no partner of Allah also in His creation).30/28

fear Allah and say what is correct and straight 33/70

You warn but those who fear their Lord unseen and establish Prayer. 35/18

Say to the believers to disregard those who neither hope for nor fear (the coming of) the Days of Allah 45/14

‘O Jews, if you think that, leaving all other people, you alone are the friends of Allah (i.e., Awliya’), then long for death (because His Awliya’ will not fear in the grave and the Hereafter) if you are true (in your thinking).’62/6

those who fear their Lord unseen, for them is forgiveness 67/12

Don’t fear the creation fear allah alone ,he will bless you and guide you. (2/149)

Those who spend (in the cause of Allah) by night and day, privately or publicly, they shall neither fear nor grieve. 2/274

Fear nor grieve will touch –if you spend in the cause of allah , establish prayers, pay zakat and do pious acts 2/277

And get two witnesses out of your own men(trustworthy) This documentation(transactions in writing) by you is more just in the sight of Allah 2/282

Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His divine essence, and Allah is Most Compassionate towards His servants. 3/30

3/102. O believers! Fear Allah as it is due to fear Him. And death should approach you only in a state when you are Muslims.

Fear allah alone, if you’re a believer 3/175

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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