
Shariat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Surely, the residents of Paradise will be rejoicing Today (in their) favourite pastime pursuits (like spiritual visits, entertainments, sessions of hymns and eulogies). 36/55

‘Peace (be upon you)!’ (This) greeting will be conveyed (to them) from the Ever-Merciful Lord. 36/58

So (the dwellers of Paradise will gladly ask:) ‘Shall we not die now? Except for the first death (which we have passed through and have reached here) and shall we not be ever tormented?’ This is surely the supreme success. For such (a success) the doers should do work.37/61

Say: ‘Can those who have knowledge and those who do not be alike?’ So only the wise do receive the admonition.39/9

losers are only those who will bring loss to their own souls and their families on the Day of Resurrection.39/14

Those who do not pay Zakat (the Alms-due), and it is they who deny the Hereafter as well.41/7

He is the One Who encompasses everything (with His Knowledge and Power).41/54

He bestows His sustenance and bounty upon whom He wills. 42/19

He grants the prayers of those who believe and keep doing pious works, and gives them of His bounty more (than they pray for).42/25

whatever misfortune befalls you (comes upon you) as a result of that (evil work) which your own hands have done 42/30

the losers are those who put their own souls and their families into loss on the Day of Rising.42/45

He blesses with girls whom He wills and blesses with boys whom He wills. Or He gives them daughters and sons (both) and makes infertile whom He wills. 42/50

it is inscribed with Us in (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz [the Preserved Table]), the origin of all the Books. It is certainly exalted (over all the Books), full of wisdom.43/4

(Do We do this so that) some of them (who are rich) should make fun of the others (who are poor? This is mockery of poverty 43/32

mercy of your Lord is better than that (wealth) which they amass (and become arrogant)43/33

On that Day, all friends and acquaintances will become enemies to one another except the pious. (Only their friendship and nearness [wilaya] will prove fruitful.)43/67

Enter Paradise, you and your intimate companions (all); you will be honoured (with blessings, comforts and the pleasures of Paradise).43/70

We have not wronged them, but they were themselves the wrongdoers.43/76

By this Light-Giving Book, Surely, We have sent it down in a blessed night. Surely, We are the Warner. In this (night) judgment is given on all matters of wisdom (separately),44/2

 (My knowledge is nothing except that) I follow that revelation alone which is sent to me. 46/10

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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