
Shariat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Seeking fast pleasure of allah= spend on close relatives, the needy and the wayfarers 30/38

Spend only for allah’s pleasure – 1.parents 2.close relatives 3.orphans 4.needy and wayfarers .2/215

Multiple rewards = pay Zakat and give charity regularly 30/39

If you  guard against grave sins and indecencies=smaller sins are forgiven 53/32

Take oath of allegiance – 1.not to commit shirk (major or minor/riya) 2. not to steal nor commit adultery or kill children 3. Not to bring false blame/accusations 4. Not to disobey sharia 60/12

Nothing will be accepted from him/her 1. Deny the rights of allah and his rasool(saws) 2.who offers prayers lazily and unwillingly 3. spend in a state of displeasure/show off 9/54

Real helpers 1.Allah and his Rasool(saws) 2. Those who persevere prayers with extreme submissiveness before the presence of allah  and pay zakat (regularly) 5/55

Believers -1.steadfast 2.perseverance 3.hardworking 4.alert 5.fear allah alone. 3/200

Allah’s mercy is on believers who and friends to eachother 2.establish namaz/salah zakat 4.obey’s allah and his rasool(saws) 9/71

True believers = 1.They seek Allah’s bounty and His favour and pleasure 2.they help Allah and His Messenger (saws) by sacrificing their possessions and homeland.59/8

The true believers =belief + never have any doubt+ fight in the way of Allah 49/15

Double reward= steadfast on deen +fended off evil with good+spent in the way of allah+ they say ‘For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. Peace be upon you! 24/54

Who will make a good loan to Allah so that He may increase it (the loan) for him manifold? And a generous reward awaits him.57/11

Charity +goodly loan to allah =reward increased manifold 57/18

Profitable trade= belief + strive hard for the cause of Allah 61/10

Don’t conceal the truth.2/161

Eat lawful and pure(halaal).2/168

Make a will/Documents before death catches you.2/180

Protect your modesty/haya by marrying at the earliset. wives are like clothes for you and you are like clothes for them.2/187

Don’t eat up others wealth .Don’t bribe . 2/188

fight (in defence) in the cause of Allah against those who impose war on you. (Yes,) but do not exceed limits.2/190

fight to eliminate disruption and mischief(i.e., the system of the protection of peace, security and human rights is practically established) 2/190

Allah gives without measure to whom He wills.2/212

Fighting (in self-defence, for restoration of peace and elimination of mischief and violence) has been made incumbent upon you 2/216

It may be that you dislike a thing and (in fact) that is good for you.2/216

Allah’s mercy is on those who turn away from the sins/disbelief. 2/218

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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