
Manners, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


A woman should make herself beautiful at home for her husband.

A woman’s perfume should be such that it does not give out a strong fragrance.

 A woman should not wear  thin (see through) or tight clothing.

Women should not wear jewelry that makes a sound (attracts attention).

Those women who imitate the appearance of men, (physical and dress) incur the wrath of Allah .

To use black dye is forbidden and to use henna is permissible.

If the eyebrows are too long then they may be trimmed, only if they have over grown. It is permissible to remove the hair of the arms and the legs. To take off the hair from the chest and back is not recommended. You can remove the hair from the arms, feet and stomach.

To have silk, gold or silver is permissible for women. do not spoil it with extravagance and pride.

Do not dress boys in the clothing of girls and do not dress girls in clothing of the boys.

females must wear scarves at all times.

females must ensure that their lower garments cover their ankles.

Four things should be buried-blood, hair, nails and the cloth that has been used for the menstrual period (Haiz).


All the clothing (including shoes) must be worn  from the right-hand side followed by the left and when taking it off, take it from the opposite side (meaning the left-hand side), this is the blessed Sunnah.

do not throwaway clothing until worn patched.

love white clothes.

Wear the lower garment whilst sitting down and the Amama (head gear) whilst standing.

Our clothes should be neat and clean .

To wear your new clothes on Friday as it is Sunnah.

To wipe your nose or face keep a small handkerchief(don’t use sleeves)

Always pray ‘Bismillah” when wearing and taking the clothes off (as the devil and jinn look at you if you don’t).

Do not wear clothing that has pictures or dress children in them either.

When taking the clothes off, fold them and do not leave them laying around as Shaytan uses them.

Men should keep their lower garments above their ankles.

gold and silk strictly forbidden for the men .

Do not walk while wearing one shoe only, either wear both shoes or remove both.

To wear short sleeves is against the Sunnah. The sleeves of the kurta must be up to the wrists.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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