Itehad-Unity In Ummah Sub Groups

Itehad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



‘Before Qiyamah, they ( the misguided sects and their sub groups) will spread and attack bitterly like the small and large insects and whosoever witnesses this period must seek refuge in Allah (swt) (Huliya).

“A time will come that the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys) so as to flee with his religion (Islamic Faith) from afflictions.”  (Bukhari – Book #2, Hadith #18).

‘O’ people! listen to this, understand it and know it.  Allah (swt) has servants who are neither prophets nor martyrs and whom they prophets and martyrs yearn to be like, due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah (swt). One of the Bedouin Arabs who came from among the most isolated of people twisted his hand at the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: O’ Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) People from humankind who are neither prophets nor martyrs and yet the prophets and martyrs yearn to be like them due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah (swt) ! Describe them for us!”‘The Prophet’s (ﷺ) face showed delight at the Bedouin’s question and he said:’. “They are of the strangers from this and that place.  They frequent this or that tribe without belonging to them.  They do not have family connections among themselves.  They love one another for Allah’s (swt) sake. They are of pure intent towards one another.  On the Day of Resurrection Allah (swt) will

place for them pedestals of light upon which He will make them sit and He will turn their faces and clothes into light.  On the Day of Resurrection, the people will be terrified but not those.  They are Allah’s (swt) Friends (Awliya), upon whom fear comes not, nor do they grieve”. (Ahmad; Baghawi in Sharh al-Sunna; al-Hakim in the Mustadrak; Ibn ‘Asakir,

It is in Bukhari, narrated by Hazrat Ali (RA) that he heard Prophet Mohammed (ﷺ)saying that ‘towards the end (before resurrection – Qiyamah) a Jama’at (group) of young and ignorant people will rise who will talk about the religion, which will look good on the face of it, but Islamic beliefs will not go down their throats (meaning they will not understand them). They will go out of Islam as the arrow goes out of the bow’.

Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’a have been the mainstream of Islamic community for centuries.

Illiteracy is rampant .

Every home is vertically and horizontally divided into the adherents of different Muslim sects who are poles apart in basic Islamic faith.  

The state of Dargahs is extremely pathetic.  The people serving these places are famous for notoriety.  There are  infighting, embezzlement of funds, wrongful sales of  dargah properties and exploitation of innocent people.

There are some immature Sufis / group leaders in Ahle Sunnah who have a circle of Mureedeen / Mu’taqideen / friends. They neither develop their teaching skills to educate their people nor allow them to learn to defend their Islamic faith. 

The Da’wa campaigns and baptizing methods of Missionary sects are efficient. They will never disclose their identity in the beginning. They claim they are the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’a.  You will have to study their beliefs in order to find out who they are. 

The most important thing is  Ahle Sunnah should know that they are on the straight path of Islam.

Every parent should learn what is  Correct Islamic Faith;  at least to an extent that he/she is able to provide answers to  questions asked by their children and relatives. 

they should also learn and make it a habit to add a reference or two from Quran and authentic Ahadith (Sahih) during their discussions.

Read correct interpretations of Quran and Ahadith.Try to memorize them as far as possible.

the purpose of your discussion is to clear misunderstandings and misconceptions about Quranic verses and Ahadith.

sometimes some people never come to common terms and insist upon their way of thinking.  What can we do about it.  Leave them there.

Generally in a group of 5 to 10 people, only two or three will be talking and the rest will be silent listeners. The listeners evaluate the soundness of arguments of both sides.  .You can change the mindset of the silent listeners.  Do not bother if the people who have argued with you did not agree to your way of explanations. But you have been successful to bring a few people back to the right path of Islam.

Don’t lose heart from people’s apathy (indifference) and criticism  in the initial months and years.  Things do change over time.  Have strong faith in Allah (ﷻ) and Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ). 

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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