Itehad-Unity In Ummah Sects

Itehad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



‘These are those who ripped their religion and divided themselves into sects.  Allah (ﷻ) has nothing to do with them.  (6/159).

Sect means ‘a group of people sharing a particular religious, philosophical or political opinion, who have broken away from the main body’.

How Muslims got divided into so many sects?

1. they attempted to study Quran and Hadith independently and deduced meanings as per their limited understanding capacities.

2.Read the life histories of the founders of all sects, you will know that all of them attempted to deduce the meanings of Quran and Sunnah as per their limited understanding.

3. the founders of these sects broke away from the mainstream Islam because of their misunderstanding of the basic Islamic beliefs.

4. All of them agree upon the fact that prominent Sufi Shaikhs of Ihsan are good Muslims. They also accept them as Awliya Allah. Nobody denies the virtuous Islamic deeds of Sufi Shaikhs of Ihsan. All sects dispute with ‘look alike Sufi Babas’ ,  ‘Mullahs’  and ‘so called Murshids’  who cheat Muslims in the name of religion.

Main stream (ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis)has to be a jamaah/congregation of largest muslims(hanafi/shafi/maliki/hambali) because indiviual groups cannot claim to be jamaah

There is only one Group(jamah) who is on the right path of Islam. Group which is on the straight path of Islam cannot have Sub Groups Because, a Group which is divided into many sub groups cannot be on the straight path of Islam. 

From the beginning, till the end, this group will be on the straight path of Islam.  

Our major Jihad is with our ‘Anima’ (Nafs).  This Jihad (fight) is continuous throughout our lives.

blindness about Human Soul and other worlds has lead them to believe that life of a person ends when he dies.They could not understand that the Life does not end when we die.  It continues in a different format  in ‘Life After Death’ as per the requirements of that world. 

Misguided groups and their like minded groups do not know about the human soul and its realm (world)They do no know how the human soul (spirit) works. They derive literal/textual meanings of certain verses of Quran and Sunnah and interpret the rest of the Quran and Ahadith as per their understanding and claim it to be Islam. 

They never try to find out the real implied meanings of the commandments of Allah (ﷻ) and His Apostle (ﷺ). When someone tries to guide them about human soul and its area of activity, they accuse him and relate his advise with spiritual theories of non-Muslims.

We have to be stead fast in our faith and hold on to the rope(quran and ijma) of Allah (ﷻ) and purify our hearts and minds in the Divine light.

Our revival in both the worlds depends on our right belief and good deeds.

Islam is bowing your head in front of Allah (ﷻ) and obeying the orders of His Prophet(ﷺ).  This is the only way that leads us to Salvation.

Saving one’s Iman is Fardh, and performing Salah in a mosque is Sunnah.

so,focus your attention on ‘Correct Islamic Faith’ in the light of Quran and Ahadith.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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