“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
In the starting of every Islamic era their will be tajdeed e deen/revival of deen in form of groups or individual. mujaddid will correct aqidah/character/society/amal etc etc
Mujaddid/inheritors of prophet ﷺ =revivalists of their century(at the beginning of every hundread years)
Revive sunnah and teach it to the people
Direct recipient of blessings of the prophet ﷺ(spiritually linked )
Entire ummah must get benefitted from revival/tajdeed e deen
Kidmate deen =24/7 working for allah and his rasool’s ﷺ pleasure /raza.
Keep doing rotational basis formula for the posts of the tanzeem/organization.
Prophet ﷺ thought various aspects of deen to sahaba/companions like fiqh/jurisprudence,ilm e hadees,ilm e tafsir,ilm e qiraat,ahklaq,tabligh,sharia/law etc etc same way some companions where thought about ilm e baatin ,ilm e tasawuff,ilm e ihsan/perfection etc etc
Sufis specialized in teaching ilm e baatin/tasawuff or ihsan through their orders/tariqas .
Tajdeed e deen /revival of deen =shariat +tariqat
Easy to bring people on single agenda but tough to keep people on moderate/balanced/complete deen (ahle sunnat wal jamaat).
Single point agenda like tauheed/risalat/ahkirat/jihad/human rights/islam/amal/humanity/ political/social/economical etc etc
If you work for increasing your firqa/jamaat, your among them.(firqa/denominations promote portion or juzz deen like only tauheed,risalat,ahkirat,jihad,tabligh,ahle baith etc etc not kull deen)
If you work for calling people towards saleheen/awliya’s jamaat, your among auliya jamaat.
Firqa/denomination/offshoot from main branch= ideology of people who believe they are only on haqq/truth based on following of juzz/portion of deen.
Firqa’s increase their jamaat’s number with ilm/amal/power/wealth/time etc etc
Islah e ummat= amal/deeds(fiqh)+haal/state of heart(tasawuff).
Islah e ummat =ilm e zaahir(fiqh) +ilm e baatin(tasawuf)
Islah e ummat is done by a sufi who is an alim +follows a tariqa(sufi path).
Islah e ummat =ahle sunnat wal jamaat(hanafi,shafi,maliki,hambali-fiqh) +sufi tariqa(qadri,chisti,naqshbandi,suharwardi,shadli,rifai etc etc)
1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)
2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)
3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)
4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)
1.should have haqiqi iman (prefect/kamil)-practsing kull deen islam-iman-ihsan
2.hijrat illah /migration –from ghaflat to zikr ,bad ahklaq to good ahklaq ,kidmate deen
3.jihad fisabillah- against nafs ,shaitan,kuffar and innovations by spending wealth,lives and time.
1.Uplifting deen (promotion)
2.Islah e ahwal e ummat (correction)
3.Ahklaq o ruhaniyat.(character/spirituality)
KHULAFE ANBIYA (inheritors of anbiya)
1.Soft hearted towards the creation(well wishers for all)
2.Present peaceful/simple deen
3.Patience/sabr –to please allah alone (no anger and no complaint)
4. Saqawat e nafs /kindness in personality (living for others with out any expectations in return ,only for allah’s sake)
5.Salamat e sudur/qalb e saleem (no diseases of heart like ghibat,greed etc etc)
6.Husn e ahklaq /good character (forgiveness /open heartedness and benevolence /ihsan=deen)
7.Steadfast ness/istiqamat (no seekers of duniya or ahkirat –seekers of allah’s raza/pleasure)
8.Quiet with jahil/ignorant people (or response with kindness)
9. unconscious of amal/deeds(conscious about own faults and unconscious about others faults)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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