Haazir o Naazir-Gazali Qari
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
The Concept of Haazir-o-Naazir
Hujjat al-Islam, Imam Ghazaali (ra), referring to the position of Tashahudd (sitting), during Salaah and reciting “At -Tahiyyaatu”, says that on reciting the words “Ayyuhannabi” (Oh Prophet !) the reciter must behold the Holy Prophet ﷺ as Haazir (Present). He says, “And believe in your hearts that the Holy Prophet ﷺ is present (haazir) and then say Assalaamu ‘Alaika Ayyuhannabi” (Ihya ul Uloom, Vol. 1, chapter 4 Section 3)
Imam ghazzali (ra) states’ the holy prophet ﷺ has the power to travel the earth accompanied by the souls of his sahaba.many friends of allah ﷻ have seen him( do this)-tafseer roohul bayaan by allama ismail haqqi (ra).
Imam ghazzali (ra) writes ‘those with insight of the heart see the prophets and angels while awake and even speak to them”-al munqiz minad-dalaal
Mulla ali qari (ra) states in mirqaat -imam ghazzali (ra) has said “ when you enter the musjids send salam to the holy prophet ﷺ because he is present in the mosques”.
Concerning the questioning (of the dead person) in the grave, the third question that will be asked by the Angels of the g(ra)ve is, “Ma kunta taqulu fi haqqi hazar (ra)jul” (meaning : “What did you have to say about this person?” (i.e. the Prophet ﷺ When this question is asked the veil is removed from the dead person’s eyes so that he can see the Holy Prophet ﷺ who will be present (Haazir) in the g(ra)ve. (Mishkaat Shareef; Bukhaari) From this Hadith we learn that the Prophet ﷺ is seen by the dead in person and not in some sort of mental thought, because the word “rajul” that is used in the question, in Arabic grammar refers to a real person made of flesh and bones.
So it is established that every person that dies sees the Holy Prophet ﷺ in his grave in person. Now, at any given time thousands of people around the world are buried and all these people see the Holy Prophet ﷺ at the same time and are asked the same question. This is ample proof that the Holy Prophet ﷺ by the Grace of Allah Ta’ala can present himself in many places at the same time.
At the time of the call to prayer (Adhan) the Shaitaan runs thirty-six miles away and returns in an instant after the completion of the Adhan. (Mishkaat) (at high speeds!Besides Shaitaan, even Angels have this ability)
“For the Angel of Death the whole of the Earth is like a tray, so that he may take the souls as he pleases. There is no difficulty for the Angel of Death to take souls, even though there are many and at many different places !” (Tafseer Kabir Khazeen; Ruh-ul-Bayaan)
The speed of Jibra’eel (as) is such that, when Nabi Yusuf (as) was thrown into the well, Jibra’eel (as) travelled from Sidratul Muntaha to the bottom of the well. When Nabi Ibraheem (as) was about to sacrifice Nabi Ismail (as) and had his knife on the neck of Nabi Ismail (as), Jibra’eel (as), travelled from Sidratul Muntaha to the earth with a ram.The above events relate to an Angel and it’s abilities, but men of Allah (Awliya Allah) are also imbued with such powers. Asif ibn Barkhiya’s taking the throne of Bilqis (the Queen of Sheba) to Hazrat Sulaiman (as) is also reported in the Holy Qu(ra)n, 27/39-40.
It is written in the book “Wahhabiyya”: “Tayy al-masaafa, that is, traversing long distances in a moment, is a Karamat bestowed upon Awliya’. It is Waajib to believe in this.”
Ibn Hajar al-Haitami (ra) wrote in his Fatawa: “The number of those who said that if a Wali (saint) goes to a very distant place in the West (in a short time) after he has performed the evening Salaat and if the sun has not set there yet, he need not perform the evening Salaat for the second time at that place, are many.”
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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