Dars e Imam-Mistake

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

We have said that Shaitaan cannot make them astray (gumrah) or entice them to intentionally commit major sin. He himself said, “لا غوینھم اجمعین الا عبادک منھم المخلصین” This verse states, “Shaitaan caused Adam (as) and Hawa (ra)ا to stumble.” Deviance is one thing and making someone stumble is another thing altogether.

The Prophethood of the brothers of Hadrat Yusuf (as) is not proven from any clear Ayat, Hadith or opinion of a Sahaabi. Allah has said “لیتم نعمتہ علیک و علی الا یعقوب”Here, Prophethood is not meant by ‘ni’mat’, and ‘Aale-Yaqub (as) doesn’t mean all the genealogical children of Hadrat Yaqub (as). Allah(swt) said to the Muslims, “واتممت علیکم نعمتی”- 5/3

Some argue that Allah(swt) also said, “وما انزل الی ابراھیم و اسمعیل و اسحق و یعقوب و الاسباط”.Thus, according to them, Hadrat Yaqub (as) had 12 sons, proving that all 12 were recipients of revelation. This too is a weak deduction because neither does ‘unzilaa’ speak of attaining revelation directly nor is there any proof that the word ‘asbaat’ was the exclusive title of Hadrat Yaqub’s (as) sons. Allah(swt) states, “قولوا امنا باللہ و ما انزل الینا و ما انزل الی ابراھیم الایۃ” In this ayat, ‘unzilaa alaina’ does not mean “We all received revelation and are Prophets.”

Asbaat is the title of the twelve tribes of the Bani Israel, and Prophets did emerge from them. The Holy Quran states, “وقطعنھم اثنتی عشرۃ اسباطا امما” Under the ayat, “ان الشیطان للانسان عدو مبین” 26.79 Allama Aloosi (ra) states, “فالذی علیہ الاکثرون سلفا و خلفا انھم لکم یکونوا انبیاء اصلا فلم ینقل من الصحابۃ انہ قال بنبوتھم– Tafseer Roohul-Maani

Likewise, Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan, etc. has also rejected their Prophethood. Yes, after making tauba, they all become Friends (Auliya) of Allah(swt) and the companions of a Prophet (which was the reason why Hadrat Yusuf (as) saw them in the form of stars in his dream). Our Holy Prophet states, “اصحابی کالنجوم” ­Hadith Sharif. Also, all their sins were committed to attain the love of Hadrat Yaqub (as). They later apologized to their father and Hadrat Yusuf (as) who both made dua of forgiveness for them afterwards. As a result, they were forgiven. To disrespect or slander them is an indication of being worthless. In the love of a woman, Qaabeel committed a sin and so couldn’t attain for giveness from Hadrat Adam (as) Due to this, he remained someone without Imaan, yet the brothers of Hadrat Yusuf (as) had Imaan with them.

Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا eventually became the wife of Hadrat Yusuf (as) and she is worthy of great respect. Ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim, as well as general commentaries of the Holy Quran, prove that she entered his Nikah. Afraatheem and Meesha, the sons of Hadrat Yusuf (as) were also born from her, as elucidated by Tafseer Khaazin, Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Madaarik, etc.

The Holy Prophet said to Sayyidah Aisha (ra)ا and his other wives, “You have become similar to the wife of Hadrat Yusuf (as) (i.e, Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا).” ‘Sawaahib’ is the plural of Sahib and Saahiba is the word for ‘wife’. Neither was Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا immoral nor did she ever commit a sin like adultery. Yes, she intended to commit Zina in the passion of love. The beauty of Hadrat Yusuf (as) drove her into a frenzy, and it was during this time that she wished to commit this act. When the women of Egypt cut their hands because of the state of delirium they entered when seeing the beauty of Hadrat Yusuf (as), what is so surprising if Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا couldn’t bear her patience due to being struck by his beauty? Besides, she later repented from all of these crimes.

It should be bared in mind that she was only drawn to Hadrat Yusuf (as) not towards anyone else. Allah(swt) protected her in all manners. We have accepted the wives of the Prophets to be protected from adultery and immorality, not from being incapable of sin. Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا committed this sin and thereafter asked for forgiveness: She said, here. she acknowledges her mistake (acknowledging your offense is tauba), which is why Allah(swt) spoke about it but didn’t mention any punishment or reproach, so that it may be known that she was forgiven for her sin. Thus, to now mention these mistakes with the intention of disrespect is very wrong. Never did she commit adultery or immorality. Sayyidah Zulaikha (ra)ا is the family (Able-Bait) of Hadrat Yusuf (as). Disrespecting her is offensiveness to this great Prophet(saws) of Allah(swt).

Allah(swt) is the Lord and Creator of the Prophets and they are His beloved servants. He can mention their mistakes in whatever way He wishes and they can demonstrate their humility to Him in whatever way they wish. We have no right to speak about their mistakes or disrespect and slander them unless we want our record books blackened with sin.

Allah(swt) has ordered us to respect and revere His Prophets. Hadrat Yusuf (as) was visibly sold in Egypt. This is why the Egyptians used to think. that he was the property of the Egyptian Ruler. To remove this stigma from Hadrat Yusuf (as) pure being, Allah(swt) sent a general famine for seven years. In the first year, the Egyptians gave money to Hadrat Yusuf (as) in exchange for grain. In the second, they gave their cattle and gems; in the third, they gave their cattle and animals; in the fourth, their slaves; in the fifth, their homes and properties; in the sixth, their children, and in the seventh, they completely sold themselves to Hadrat Yusuf (as) and said, “We shall become your slaves! Give us food in exchange for this.” Then, Hadrat Yusuf (as) showed them favour. ­Madaarik, Roohul-Bayaan, etc. Why did all of this occur? Only because when all of the Egyptians become the slaves of Hadrat Yusuf (as) who will now label him a slave? See! To keep the greatness of a Prophet(saws) intact, the entire world can be put into difficulty. In the time of Hadrat Umar (ra), an Imaam used to always read Surah Abasaa (intending disrespect to Rasoolullah(saws) in namaaz. The Khalifa heard of this and executed him. – Tafteer Roohul-Bayaan under this Surah

Eyes of the heart =baseerat (inner eye/spirituality)

Eyes of the head=basarat(seeing)

Jalwa(witnessing)/khabar(news) given to selected people.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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