Dars e Imam-Ilm e Ghaib And Munafiq

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hadrat Esa (as) said, “I can inform you of what you eat in your homes and what you amass as well” Surah Aale-Imran, Verse 49 .Food is being eaten and stored in a home where Hadrat Esa (as) is not present, yet he informs people of it. This is Knowledge of the Unseen (llm-e-Ghaib)

Hadrat Nuh (as) knew the condition of the coming generation of his Ummah by saying, “O Allah(swt) If they were to have children, they would also be Kaafirs. – 71/27

The Holy Quran reports what Hud-hud had said, “Bilqees has been given everything.” Allah(swt) himself did not originally say it. In fact, it was Hud-hud who thought that Bilqees had received everything of this world. Hud-hud can make a mistake, but the speech of Allah(swt) can never be wrong. Hud-hud also said, “ولھا عرش عظیم” Was the throne of Bilqees truly the Arsh-e-Azeem?

For the Holy Prophet however, Allah(swt) Himself- states, “تبیانا لکل شئی ”- 16/89 Other Quranic verses prove that “every thing” here means all things of this world.

9/65-Tafseer Durre-Mansoor and Tabri commentate on this ayat, “Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) states that the reason for revelation of this ayat is that a Munaafiq had said, “Muhammad says that the camel of a certain person is in a certain area. What information does he have of the unseen (ghaib)?”This ayat and Commentary lead us to conclude that to reject the Knowledge of the Unseen (I1m-e-Ghaib) of Rasoolullah is the action of the Munaafiqs and has been deemed by the Quran to be an act of infidelity (kufr)

Imam Suyuti (ra) writes, “Allah(swt) does not inform you of the unseen so that you may know Hypocrites (Munaafiqs) before differentiating.However, He selects whoever He wishes and informs him of the unseen, such as our Beloved Rasool who was informed of the affairs and conditions of the Hypocrites.

Under the following ayat, “ما کان اللہ لیذر المومنین علی مآ انتم علیہ” Tafseer Khaazin reports the following,”The Prophet has said, “My Ummah, with their appearances in moulds of clay, were placed before me just as how they were placed before Hndrat Adam (as) was informed of who will bring Imaan upon me and who will commit infidelity (kufr).”

Tafseere-Azeezi states, “Through his noor of prophethood, Rasoolullah knows the deen of every person (meaning he is aware of what level of the deen one is on). He knows the intensity of people’s Imaan and what impedes their progress. In short, he recognizes your sins, levels of Imaan, sincerity, hypocrisy and good deeds. Therefore according to the Shariah, his testification in this world is compulsory on the Ummah to accept and act upon.”

Tafseer Khaazin states, “The Holy Prophet will be called on the Day of Qiyaamat and Allah(swt) will ask him about the condition of his Ummah. Rasoolullah will then testify to their innocence and truthfulness.”Rasoolullah completely aware of the Imaan, deeds, intentions, etc. of every Muslim until Qiyaamat. Otherwise, how could he vouch for his Ummah as being virtuous Muslims? It is not possible for any condition of a Muslim to be obscured to him.

Tafseer Nishapuri states in this verse’s commentary. ” … As the sanctified soul of the Holy Prophet sees all other souls, hearts and people because he himself said, “The first thing that Allah(swt) created was my noor.

Ayatul-Kursi further states, “And they have in their knowledge that much which he wishes.”

Tafseer Khaazin states, “Allah(swt) grants them (i.e. the Prophets and Messengers) the awareness of His knowledge so that their enlightenment concerning Knowledge of the Unseen can be a proof of their prophethood, just as how Allah(swt) states, “He (Allah(swt)) does not reveal His unique knowledge of the unseen (ghaib) to anyone except the Messenger He is pleased with.’

Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes, “Allah(swt) has taught our Beloved Prophet the Quran and His Divine Secrets, just as He states.”And you have been taught that which you did not know.”

81/24-Khaazin states, “It means that Knowledge of the Unseen comes to the Holy Prophet and he is not stingy with it to you. Rather, he teaches it to you.” This Quranic verse and extract prove that the Prophet teaches people the Knowledge of the Unseen, and only the person who knows can teach.

when some proofs are for negation while others for affirmation, only the proofs of affirmation are taken and chosen.

Noorul-Anwaar states, “Proofs that affirm are more weighty than those that negate.” The Holy Quran states, “Your clothes save you from heat.” So how does this mean that they do not save us from the cold? Indeed they do but this has not been mentioned.

The Holy Quran contains Laws of the Shariah and all branches of knowledge. The Holy Quran minutely describes the Lawhe-Mahfooz, and branches of knowledge are present on the Protected Tablet. The Holy Prophet’s knowledge also encompasses the Holy Quran. Therefore, all the knowledge of the Lawhe-Mahfooz is in his knowledge, because the Holy Quran is the elaboration of the Lawhe-Mahfooz.

Bear in mind that the Lawhe-Mahfooz also falls under the knowledge of the Arsh. What is written in the Protected Tablet? This has already been discussed. Therefore, the knowledge of what has occurred and what will (Maa Kaan wa Maa Yakoon) is also possessed by Hadrat Ibraheem (as).

His knowledge and the knowledge of Hadrat Adam (as) are drops in the ocean of knowledge possessed by our Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustapha.

Kamal/perfection is abdiat/servanthood(direct each action/wealth towards Allah)

Kamal/perfect reflection/mazar of Allah’s zaat =rasoolAllahﷺ

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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