Dars e Imam-Hazir o Nazir Haqq Shifa

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

hadrat haarith ibn numaan ra narrates that once , when we went to the holy prophet he was asked “harith ra in what condition have you found your day ? the sahabi said “as a true believer (mumin)” the prophet further enquired “what is the realityof your imaan? He answered “its as if iam visibly seeing the divine arsh ,the inmates of jannat meeting one another and the jahannamis making noise in jahannam”(allama jalaaluddin suyuti (ra) in jaame kabeer and also hadrat abu hanifa (ra) in fiqhe akbar ).

In mathnavi shariff it is stated relating to above metioned hadith –“the 8 heavens and 7 hells are as visible before me as idol before an idolworshipper .i recognize every single creation as if they were wheat and barley in a grinding mill.the ones who are jannati or jahaannami are like fish and ants before me .should I remain silent or say more?  the holy prophet held his mouth and said “enough”.when this is the level of sight possessed by the holy prophet slaves that they can see jannat,jahannum,the arsh ,the earth etc with their eyes what can be said of his vision.

Allama haskfi (ra) writes –to say” o haazir o naazir “ is not kufr(infidelity)-durre mukhtaar ,vol3 baabul murtad ,discussion on the miracles of the auliya.

allama haskfi (ra) writes originating (from yourside as if you are saying ) should be intended with the words of attahiyaat .it will be as if the namaazi himself send praise for Allah subhanu waatala and salam upon the holy prophet ()-vol1 baabu kaifiyatis-salaah.

Allama shaami (ra) states ‘ in attahiyat intention should not be made to relate this kalaam that was said on the night of meraj between Allah subhanu waatala and the holy prophet and angels –raddul muhtaar.allama shaami writes “because hudhoor means acquainted knowledge. The holy quran states ‘in any secret meeting of 3 people Allah is forth” nazr means to see.Allah subhanu waatala states ‘do not you know that Allah subhanu waatala sees? Hence the meaning is ‘o knower (aalim) ,o person who sees’-raddul muhtaaar.

These extracts of jurists prove that to address someone else besides Allah subhanu waatala as haazir and naazir is not kufr (infidelity) and salaam to the holy prophet be made in attahiyat with perception towards him.

Shaik abdul haqq muhaddith dehlwi (ra) writes …there is absolutely no conflict between the learned of the ummah that the the holy prophet is alive and remains with actual life without any possibility of interpretation or figuration of his existence.they also agree that he is haazir and naazir over his ummah ‘s doings and bestows guidance to those who seek and are present in his court .he is also their developer’(sulooki agrabis subul bit tawajuh ilaa sayyidir –rasul ()).

And ‘the prophets are alive and exist with actual physical life .they also posses authority .there is absolutely no objection to this-sharah futoohil-ghaib pg333.

Shaik abdul haqq (ra) writes ‘remember the holy prophet (), send darood upon him and when remembering him ,remain as if he is physically present  before you and that you are seeing him.remain with adab,respect and humility and know that the the holy prophet sees you and hears speech because he is a reflection of superior qualities ,one of which is “I’m present by the person who remembers me ”-madaarijun –nubuwah.

Shaikh abdul haqq muhaddith delhi (ra) states “ if it is said after this that Allah subhanu waatala granted the body of the holy prophet such a condition and power that he can go to which ever place he wishes to, whether with his body or a likeness to heavens or the grave ,then this statement is correct. There is special connection with the grave in every condition’-madaarijun nubuwah vol2 pg450.

Shaikh abdul haqq muhaddith delhi (ra) states ‘ A few ariffen have said that the reason for the direct addressing (khitaaab) of  the holy prophet in at-tihayat is because the reality of the the holy prophet ()(haqeeqat e muhammadiya) being is present in every particle of creation and possibility. therefore he is haazir in the beings of namaazis.those who make salaah should take heed of this and not neglect his witnessing. By being aware of this the secrets and noor of proximity will propel them to success’-(ashiatul-lamaat kitaabus salaah baabut tashahud madaarijun nubuwah vol1 pg 135).

Shifaa shariff states ‘when there is no one in the house to make salaam to say ,’salaam be upon you,ya rasoolAllah and the mercy and blessings of Allah subhanu waatala”.

Imam Qadi ayaadh (ra) states “it  is narrated that hadrat alqamah (ra) states ‘when I enter the musjid I say ‘salaam be upon you,o the holy prophet and the mercy and blessings of Allah subhanu waatala ”-shifaa shariff.this is supported by the hadith mentioned in abu dawood and ibn majah under baabud dua inda dukholil musjid

Deen =islam (pillar/arkan) +iman(aqiad) +ihsan(perfection/benevolence)

Islam =amal e qaal/physical presence (applying)

Iman= tongue (proclaimation) + heart(verification)

Ihsan =amal e haal/state of heart (witnessing)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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