Dars e Imam-Hazir o Nazir

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

According to the Shariah, the meaning of Haazir & Naazir in the creation is the spiritually strong person who sees the entire world as how he sees the-palm of his band, or the one who can also hear both near & far voices and sound equally and can travel through the whole creation assisting those with needs over thousands of miles. This speed can either be spiritually with a likeness in bodily structure [jism-e-misaali} or with that body that had been buried or is present somewhere. All of this is proven for the spiritual luminaries from the Quran, Hadith and rulings of the Uama

Al-Misbaahul-Muneer states, “It is recorded in Qaamoosul-Lugaat, “Ibn Abi Bakr writes in Mukhtaarus-Sihaah, “We are Naazir until where our sight ends, and Haazir until where our authority reaches. Due to us being able to see until the sky, we are Naazirs (people that can see) until it but are not Haazir until it because our reach does not extend to there. We are however Haazir in the rooms and homes we are present in because we can grasp them

All Muslims agree that the Holy Prophet () is Jaame-Kamaalaat {i.e. all excellences bestowed to other Prophets, or whatever shall  be given to future Saints or creation have all been given to him and even more so). Rather, it is through him that they have attained whatever they have. The Holy Quran states, “You follow the path of all of them.” – 6/40

Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra)writes in this ayat’s explanation, “Allah (swt) has bestowed the characteristic of every prophet to Rasoolullah ()  – Tafseer-Roohul-Bayaan

“The entire earth has been made like a tray for the Angel of Death to take lives from it whenever the need arises.” ­Roohul-Bayaan, Khaazin, Tafseer-Kabeer, etc.

“Extracting souls is not difficult for the Angel of Death even if there is an extensive amount of souls which are spread over several places.” – Tafseer Roohul-Baayan.

Tafseer Khaazin states, “There is no person in a home or tent not visited by the Malakul-Maut twice everyday.

The Hadith states that when Azaan and Takbeer is made. Shaitaan runs away from the area it occurs to the distance of 36 miles. He then returns as soon as is finished.” – (Mishkaat, Baabu Fadhlil-Azaan). This is the speed of travel possessed by this cursed individual.

When we sleep. a part of our soul leaves our body and travels throughout creation. This is known as ‘rooh seerani’. If this sleeping person is awoken. that soul (which was present in Makka or Madina just a moment ago) instantly returns to the body and the person subsequently wakes up.

Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan states. “When a person wakes up from sleep. the soul takes less than a moment to return to the body. The speed of Hadrat Jibrael (as) is that he left the Sidrah when Hadrat Yusuf (as) reached below half the distance of the well he was pushed into Hadrat Jibraeel (as) reached the bottom of the well before the prophet could.

Shaikh Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlwi (ra) writes that the souls of the deceased go to the homes of their family and friends on a Thursday and wish for Esaal-e­Thawaab(conveying rewards). – Asbtatul-Lam ‘aat, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor.

The Holy Prophet () is closer to the muslims than their own lives means that The Holy Prophet () is the closest to us ,our lives and even more so.anything very close is obscurred and  it is for this reason that he is not seen.like you cant see surma of your eye because its very very close to your eye .there is a noor in the eye and outside is the noor say electricity if you want to see things you need both the noor eye and outside light ,same way Allah subhanu waatala says you need quran and The Holy Prophet () for guidance.

The Holy Prophet () said “ I see the entire world as I see the palm of my hand “ my ummah was presented to me” “I know their identities, names, names of their fathers etc .

In the grave munkir and nakeer ask “what did you used to say about this man (The Holy Prophet (saws) ? answer is huwa rasooAllahi sallalahu alaihiwasalam.

1.it is meant the praised being of The Holy Prophet ()-by shaikh abdul haqq muhaddith dehlwi ra (ashiatul-lamaat)

2.it has been said the veils are lifted for the deceased untill he sees The Holy Prophet ()- marginal notes of mishkaat.

3.”  Or in the grave they present the visible self of the holy prophet () “in this manner the likeness of the holy prophet ()being presented in the grave is a gladtiding to the sorrowful and those who yearn to look at the beloved () to finally see him”-ibid

4.”it has been said that the veils are removed from the deceased until he sees the holy prophet ().this is an enormous gladtiding for belivers if it is done”-imam qastalani’s (ra) sharah of bukhari ,kitaabul janaiz vol 3 pg 390.

5. kaafirs mind is free of the holy prophet () rather kaafir will say laa adri (I don’t know) proves  that he sees the holy prophet () with his eyes but doesnot recognize him.the dead person will see the holy prophet () from near and question is asked that is why sufiya and lovers of the holy prophet () cherish death.

6. thousands of deceased people are buried at one time.as a result ,if the holy prophet () is not haazir and nazir,how can he be present in all these places?there are veils on our vision which will be removed by the angels.  

Eyes of the heart =baseerat (inner eye/spirituality)

Eyes of the head=basarat(seeing)

Jalwa(witnessing)/khabar(news) given to selected people.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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