Dars e Imam-Good Bidah

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Jarir bin Abdullah reported: Allah’s Messenger ﷺ  said: He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without their’s being diminished in any respect. [Sunan Tirmidhi Volume 005, Hadith Number 2675]Imam Tirmidhi Said: This hadith is “Hassan Sahih”Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: He who introduced some good practice in Islam.

Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 250:,Narrated Abu Huraira:At the time of the Fajr prayer the Prophet asked Bilal, “Tell me of the best deed you did after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise.” Bilal replied, “I did not do anything worth mentioning except that whenever I performed ablution during the day or night, I prayed after that ablution as much as was written for me.”
Ibn Hajar Asqalani says in Fath al-Bari that the hadith shows it is permissible to use personal reasoning (ijtihad) in choosing times for acts of worship, for Bilal reached the conclusions he mentioned by his own inference,and the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) confirmed him therein.

Commentary by Ibn e Hajar (Rah)-Ibn al-Sakan narrated through Safwan ibn Hubayra from the latter’s father: Thabit al-Bunani said: Anas ibn Malik said to me (on his death-bed): “This is one of the hairs of Allah’s Messenger, Allah’s blessings and peace upon him. I want you to place it under my tongue. “Thabit continued: I placed it under his tongue, and he was buried with it under his tongue.”Narrated by Ibn Hajar in al-Isaba fi tamyiz al-sahaba (Calcutta, 1853) 1:72 under “Anas Ibn Malik.”
Rasool Allah [saws] never asked anyone to put his hair under his tongue while getting buried. Ans bin Malik introduced this new Action according to his own opinion, while he knew that there is a Barakah in the hairs of Rasool Allah



Proof of good biddah from Salafs ,Muhadiseen,Classical scholars of Islam
Imam Abu Hanifa (Rah) , Founder of Hanafi Madhab and a Tabe’e
says Quoted by Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalini (rah),Hadrat Omer Farooq (ra) said after offering Tarawih that its a excellent Bida , Imam Abu Hanifa (Rah) said that its a proof from people of knowledge that Whoever invents a Bad action in Islam he will get sin for himself and whoever follows him, And whoever invents a Good Biddat in islam he will get Reward for himself and all who follow him in that practice [ Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalani (Rah) in Zubda-tul-Fakr ]

Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalani(rah) said:“The root meaning of innovation is what is produced without precedent. It is applied in the law in opposition to the Sunna and is therefore blameworthy.Strictly speaking, if it is part of what is classified as commendable by the law then it is a good innovation (hasana), while if it is part of what is classified as blameworthy by the law then it is blameworthy (mustaqbaha) otherwise it falls in the category of what is permitted indifferently (mubâh). It can be divided into the known five categories.” Ibn Hajar, Fath. al-Bârî (1959 ed. 5:156-157=1989 ed. 4:318)

Ibn Hazm and Ibn al-Jawzî’s Identical Definition for Bidah e hasina -Ibn Hazm al-Zâhiri said:“Bida in the Religion is everything that did not come to us in the Qur’ân nor from the Messenger of Allah ,except that one is rewarded for some of it and those who do this are excused if they have good intentions.Of it is the rewardable and excellent (hasan), namely, what is originally permitted (mâ kâna asluhu al-ibâh.a) as was narrated from `Umar (ra): “What a fine bid`a this is!” Such refers to all good deeds which the texts stipulated in general terms of desirability even if its practice was not fixed in the text. And of it is the blameworthy for which there is no excuse such as what has proofs against its invalidity. Ibn Hazm, al-Ihkâm fî Usûl al-Ahkâm (1:47)

Imam Al Ghazali (rah) support for Bidah e hasina –Hujjat al-Islâm al-Ghazzâlî said in his discussion of the adding of dots to the Qur’anic script:“The fact that this is innovated (muhdath) forms no impediment to this.How many innovated matters are excellent! As it was said concerning the establishing of congregations in Tarâwîh. that it was among the innovations of `Umar (ra) and that it was an excellent innovation (bid`a h.asana).The blameworthy bid`a is only what opposes the ancient Sunna or might lead to changing it. Al-Ghazzâlî, Ihyâ Ulûm al-Dîn (1:276)

Proof from Ibn e Kathir on allowing mila’d -Translation: He was a generous, mighty master, and glorious ruler, whose works were very good.He built Jamiya al Muzaffari near Qasiyun…During Rabi ul Awwal he used to celebrate Mawlid ash Shareef (يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول) with great celebration,Moreover, he was benevolent, brave, wise, a scholar, and just person – Rahimuhullah wa Ikraam – Sheikh Abul Khattab (rah) wrote a book on Mawlid an Nabwi for him and named it At-Tanwir fi Mawlid al Bashir al Nazeer,for which he gave him 1000 dinars. His rule stayed till the Rule of Salahiya and he captured Aka and he remained a man worthy of respect.

Imam Al Shafi (rah) endorsing Good Bida’h (founder of Shafi Madhab)
Al-Rabî` said, Imam Al Shafi (Rah) said to us: ‘Innovated matters are of two kinds (al-muh.dathâtu min al-umûri d.arbân): one is an innovation that contravenes (mâ uh.ditha yukhâlifu) something in the Qur’ân or the Sunna or a Companion-report (athar) or the Consensus (ijmâ`): that innovation is misguidance (fahâdhihi al-bid`atu d.alâla)The other kind is the innovation of any and all good things (mâ uh.ditha min al-khayr) contravening none of the above, and this is a blameless innovation (wahâdhihi muh.dathatun ghayru madhmûma)

`Umar (ra) said, concerning the prayers of Ramad.ân: What a fine bid`a this is! meaning that it was innovated without having existed before and, even so, there was nothing in it that contradicted the above.Narrated from al-Rabî` by al-Bayhaqî in his Madkhal and Manâqib al-Shâfi`î (1:469) with a sound chain as stated by Ibn Taymiyya in his Dâr’ Ta`ârud. al-`Aql wa al-Naql (p. 171) and through al-Bayhaqî by Ibn `Asâkir in Tabyîn Kadhib al-Muftarî (Kawtharî ed. p. 97). Cited by al-Dhahabî in the Siyar (8:408), Ibn Rajab in Jâmi` al-`Ulûm wal-H.ikam (p. 267=Zuh.aylî ed. 2:52-53=Arna’ût. ed. 2:131 s.ah.îh.) and Ibn H.ajar in Fath. al-Bârî (1959 ed. 13:253)

Kaifiyat via toubah  to haal/state

haal via toubah to maqam/station

maqam via toubah  to urooj/ascend

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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