Dars e Imam-Ghaib Lawhe Mahfooz

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Allah(swt) states, “Every wet and dry thing is recorded in either the Lawhe-Mahfooz or the Quran.” – 6/59.

Ahadith also prove that the entire creation (aalam) is seen by the Holy Prophet as simply as him looking at his hand. Creation (Aalam) refers to everything besides Allah(swt) .Thus, the Creation of Ajsaam (physical world), Arwaah (abode of the souls), lmkaan (possible realm), Malaaik (Realm of the Angels), Arsh, etc. – in fact, everything- is encompassed by the Holy Prophet

The Lawhe-Mahfooz on which all affairs are noted is also found in the creation.whatever is done privately in the veil of the night’s darkness is also not hidden from Rasoolullah, as he informed Hadrat Abdullah (ra) that his father was Huzai fah.

The knowledge of all former and latter creation, i.e. the Prophets, Angels, Auliya, etc. have been granted to the Holy Prophet. Hadrat Adam (as) Hadrat Ibraheem (as) and Hadrat Khidr (as) are included amongst the Prophets, while the angels that hold the Arsh and those in proximity to the Lawhe-Mahfooz are naturally also included amongst the angels. When their knowledge is inclusive of what has occurred and what will (Maa Kaan wa Maa Yakoon), how extensive is the knowledge of the Holy Prophet? As a final point, the Five Special Ghaibs (Uloome-Khamsa) are also confirmed to be known by him

“Only He [i.e. Allah(swt) is The First, only He is The Last, only He is The Evident, only He is The Veiled and He knows all things.” – 57/3. Allama Zarqani (ra) writes, “Ahadith are continuous (mutawatir) and their meanings are agreed upon regarding the Holy Prophet being informed of the unseen (ghaib). This is not contrary to those ayats that prove that none besides Allah(swt) possesses knowledge of the unseen because only knowledge without a means (zaati) is negated in them. However, Rasoolullah being informed of the unseen through Allah’s(swt) bestowal is proven from the ayat, “except for the beloved Messenger” Sharah Zarqaani alal-Mawaahib.

Mulla Ali Qaari (ra) writes, “The knowledge of the Tablet and Pen is only a Part of the Prophet’s knowledge because his knowledge is divided into various categories (i.e. Juziyaat, Kulliyaat, Haqaaiq, Ma’rifaat and the comprehension related to Allah’s(swt) being and qualities). Therefore, the knowledge of the Tablet and Pen is like a river leading to the ocean of knowledge possessed by Rasoolullah or a letter amidst his lines of knowledge.” Halul-Agdah Sharah Qaseeda Burda.

Imam Busairi (ra) the composer of Qaseeda Burda, states in his other collection of qaseeda, Ummul-Qart, “The Prophet has surpassed all worlds through his knowledge and mannerism. He is an ocean that cannot be enclosed by someone who wishes to surround it.

Shaikh Sulaimaan Jumal (ra) writes in the explanation of this stanza, “In other words, his knowledge encompasses the knowledge of the entire creation, i.e, Jinns, humans, angels, etc, because Allah(swt) has informed him of all creation, taught him the knowledge of all past and future things and has divulged what has happened and what will to him. The knowledge from the Quran is sufficient to attest the knowledge of the Holy Prophet Allah(swt) states, “We have not excluded anything from this book,”.

Imam Qastalaani (ra) states, “Nubuwwah (Prophethood) is derived from the root word Naba, which means ‘infonnation’, meaning Allah(swt) has informed him (Rasoolullah) of the unseen (ghaib).” Mawaahib

Allama Haskfi (ra) states, “Hajj was made obligatory in the year 9 A.H but the Prophet delayed it until 10 A.H based on an excuse. He also had knowledge of his sustained life on earth so that the propagation of Islam could be completed.” -Durre-Mukhtaar, Beginning of Kitaabul-Hajj. This proves that the Prophet had information of his demise and knowing when death will occur is from the Five Special Secrets. That is why he didn’t make Hajj that year, since completing the pilgrimage as soon as it becomes fardh is necessary as we do not know when we shall die.

Under the explanation of the above, cited stanza of Qaseeda Burda, Allama Kharputi (ra) writes, “Hadrat Ameer Mu’awiya (ra) relates a Hadith in which he says that he used to write in the presence of the Holy Prophet. The Prophet once said to him, “Keep the inkpot like this, turn the pen and make the letter ” ب‘ straight. Try to differentiate the letter ‘ س” and don’t bend the letter ‘ م” He said this though the Noble Messenger did not learn writing from anyone and never read the books of former people” Sharah Qaseeda Burda.

Allama Ismail Haqqi writes, “Rasoolullah knew the art of writing and expressed his knowledge about it” – Tofseer Roohul-Bayaan

The Holy Prophet is the most major Khaleefa of the Sultanate of Allah(swt), Who has also appointed him as the Haakim of His Divine Dominion. This necessitates two things – knowledge & authority.

The Khilafat (succession) of Hadrat Adam (as) was proven by Allah(swt) through his knowledge (i.e. an excessive amount of it suitable for his khilaafat of Allah(swt) was given). Thereafter, making the angels prostrate to him is indicative of his unique authority, that even they make sajda to him.

Tawajjua/attention e kaaba = qibla/direction .

Tawajjua/attention e maqam e Ibrahim =blessings (salaah after tawaaf)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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