Dars e Imam-Ghaib Ilahi

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hadrath abu haurairah (ra) states “the holy prophet blessed me with 2 type of knowledge .the first is that which I have propagated if I have to distribute the second type however you people would slay my neck– mishkaat kitaabul ilm section2.

The most unseen of the unseens is the being (zaat) of Allah(swt) .

Those Ayats, Ahadith or rulings of the Jurists (Fuqaha) that negate the Prophet’s knowledge of the unseen reject either original (zaati) knowledge or absolute information, i.e. information equal to Allah’s(swt) Bestowed (ataa’i) knowledge is not negated. Otherwise, how can there be any consistency between those verses and Ahadith which we have produced in proof of Ilm-e-Ghaib and these?

Responding to all of such proofs of negation, Allama Ibn Hajar writes, “These [proofs] mean that none knows this (knowledge) independently and through personal grasp except Allah(swt) Regarding prophetic miracles (mu’jizas) and karaamats, they occur through Allah(swt) revealing His knowledge.” Fataawa Hadeethia

Physical eyes belong to aalam e shahadat .soul belongs to alaam e amr ,the holy prophet did not only travel through the aalame amr but became part of it and saw his rabb subhanu waatala .how then can the reality of soul be concealed to him?

Rasoolullah is the Nabi for the Entire Creation, from the Farsh (earth) to the Arsh. All of creation are his Ummatis. Hence, it is necessary that he be given more knowledge and power than all of the Ambiya. That is why he demonstrated numerous prophetic miracles (mu’jizas), e.g. he split the moon in two, brought back the set sun, etc. This was all a display of his Divinely bestowed authority.

For a few years, if a person sits in the company of an accomplished teacher, he becomes an Aalim (learned person). Prior to his birth, the Prophet spent millions of years in the special attention of Allah(swt). How can he not be a perfect Aalim?

Commentating on the ayat, “لقد جائکم ” Allama Ismail Haqqi quotes the following incident, “Hadrat Jibrael (as) once said to the Holy Prophet ”There is a star that shines after every 70,000 years and I have seen it shine 72,000 times.” To this, Rasoolullah replied, “I was that star.” – Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan.

When Allah(swt) is the perfect Bestower, the Noble Messenger is the most graceful taker, the Quran is the most consummate book and there is none more beloved than Sayyiduna Muhamamad Mustapha how can this knowledge be defective? Allah(swt) states, “الرحمن ، علم القرآن” -55/1-2

like hadrath esa (as) came in the world as half human and half ruh because sayyidah maryam (ra) was human .Quran says we sent to maryam (ra) our rooh ( ie jibreal ) breath occurred as a result of hadrat jibreal s breath as result both qualities are present with in him.hadrat esa (as) birth is from noor of  our prophet so effectively  its as if our  prophet   is rooh from head to toe .when holy prophet can recognizes Allah subhanu waatala ,how can the reality of the soul be obscured fro him?

Holy prophet is rooh e kull and our rooh is juzzz.

Allah subhanu waatala will inform his beloveds whom he is pleased with because Allah subhanu waatala is aleem and khabeer-tafseeraate ahmadia –mulla ahmad jeevan.

Allah subhanu waatala gives that much amount of knowledge which he wishes like Allah subhanu waatala doesnot reveal the unseen to anyone except for the distinguished messengers .without Allahs revealing no one can know any of the things. Allah granted these special favours to our the holy prophet . the holy prophet said Allah sends an angel and tell him 4 things .this angel then writes  (baby) deeds  Death,sustenance and whether virtuous(good) or wretch. Thereafter  the soul is blown in-mishkaat kitaabul imaan baabul imaan bil qadr.

Allah wrote fates of the creations before the heaven and earth got created.5 special ghaibs are recorded in the protected tablet (lawhe-mahfooz) .hence those angels who are appointed over it and similarly the prophets and saints whose vision can reach it also possess the knowledge of them.

Munkar and nakeer (2 angels of the grave )say to the deceased who either successfully or unsuccessfully go through their questioing ‘we knew prior to this that you will answer so”-mishkaat baabu azaabil qabr.

A day before the battle of badr the holy prophet drew markings on the ground and said “so and so kaafir will die here so and so kaafir will die there etc this proves that he has knowledge of where death will occur –mishkaat kitaabul jihad.

the holy prophet wished to lead them to begin having tawakkul in Allah subhanu waatala .neither did hadrath yusuf as farm nor did he keep the company of farmers ,but he did order crops to be excessively farmed before the coming of drought saying “keep whatever you reap in their spikes and stems” 12/47.

hadrat yusuf (as) also said “ appoint me over the treasures of the earth iam its guardian and I know all works “12/55.

divine secrets have been concealed from unworthy.hadrat ayesha (ra) views where her personal like wise hadrat abbas ra views were also personal .like the incident of loss of necklace which resulted in ayat of tayammum was reaveled .so ther is hikmat (wisdom) behind each thing.

One the day of qiyamaat muslim will be recognize by bodyparts of wadhu,faces will be bright ,book of deeds will be in the right hand,foreheads will have sajda marks –miskaat kitaabus salaat.

also the holy prophet has informed people of being jannatis and jahannamis in this world ,gave glad tidings of paradise to the ashara mubasharah and showed the sahaba 2 books that contain the names of the inmates of jannat and jahannam.like wise people will have signs of recognition on their faces on the day of qiyamat.

Tawajjua/attention of servant =good deeds for Allah’s sake

Tawajjua/attention of Allah = mercy/pleased with that slave.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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