Dars e Imam-Evil Biddah

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Proof of evil biddah from Salafs ,Muhadiseen,Classical scholars of Islam
Imam Malik (D.179H) said:“He who innovates a bid’ah in Islam regarding it as something good, has claimed that Muhammad has betrayed his trust to deliver the message as Allah says, ‘this day have I perfected for you your religion’. And whatsoever was not part of the religion then, is not part of the religion today.” (al-I’tisaam)
Imaam Abu Haneefah(Rahimullah)“stick to the narrations and the way of the salaf, and beware of the newly invented matters for all of it is innovation” [Sawnul Muntaq of as-Suyutee pg.32]
Imaam Bukhaaree (Rahimullah)”I have met more than a thousand scholars.(then he mentioned the names of the more prominent in each of the lands that he travelled in) and I found that they all agreed on the following points: they all used to prohibit bid’ah – that which the Prophet and his Companions were not upon, because of the saying of Allaah, ‘and hold fast to the rope of Allaah and do not separate'” [Imaam Bukhaaree’s article on belief as quoted in Sharh Usul I’tiqaad 1/170. From amongst the scholars he met were: Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Ubaid al-Qaasim, ibn Ma’een, ibn Aasim, ibn Abee Shaybah.]
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him)“This hadeeth is one of the most important basic principles of Islam, and it is one of the most concise and comprehensive sayings of the Prophet ﷺ  It clearly states that innovations and newly invented matters will be rejected. The second report adds another idea, which is that some of those who follow the innovations of others may become stubborn when they are presented with the evidence of the first report which says, “Whoever innovates something…” They may say, “I am not innovating anything”. But he may in this case be presented with the evidence of the second report, which says, “Whoever does any action…” This clearly shows that all innovated actions will be rejected, whether the one who does them innovates them himself or is following someone else who innovated it… This hadeeth is one that should be learned by heart and used to denounce evil actions and be spread as evidence so that all people may use it.” (Sharh Muslim, 12/16).

‘Allamah Ghulam Rasool Sa’idi writes:Da’wah is a fard kifiya (an obligation that rests upon the community, not the individual). If there are individuals within a community inviting people to da’wah, then others within the community are relieved of the obligation. If no-one in the community issues the invitation, the sin falls on every individual within that community. A person who performs da’wah is known as a da’i. Although their effectiveness will vary according to their ability, all da’i should be, at the very least, familiar with the basic teachings of Islam.(Tibyan al Qur’an,  3/104,’Allamah Ghulam Rasool Sa’idi)

Allamah Sa’idi writes: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:“If one of you sees a wrong, let him change it with his hand, and if he is unable then with his tongue, and if he is unable then with his heart. And that is the weakest degree of faith.”

“Keep commanding good and forbidding the evil and if you do not, Allah will not accept your supplication (du’a).”

 The da ‘i should have as broad a base of knowledge as possible. (S)he should read the Qur’an and the Hadeeth with commentary, also the Ihya ‘Uloom ad-Din by Imam Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali (D 505 A.H). (S)he should understand not only why we should believe in Allah but also why Allah has sent prophets down. Comparative religion books are also of great benefit. These are just some pointers.

One day, Imam Abu Hanifah came across his son Hammad debating with someone. After he had finished, Imam Abu Hanifah approached his son and informed him that it was not permissible to debate. Hammad was very surprised and asked his father:

“I see you every day debating with non-Muslims. If it is not allowed why do you do it?” His father replied: “There is a difference between the way I debate and the way you do. The way I debate is permissible because my intention is to please Allah and convey the true message, not to please myself. When I saw you debating, you were not delivering the message but were trying to win the argument. You were pleasing yourself and not Allah Ta’la. When I am debating, I do not make eye contact with the person, since if the person is struggling to provide answers to my questions, I do not want them to feel any shame as this might be a barrier to them taking in the message.”(Preface of The Hidaya, by Mulla Ali Qari)

The da’i should be generous and hospitable, not miserly and reclusive. Hospitality is a very effective way of performing

da’wah. If you have been very hospitable but the mad’u has not yet accepted Islam, the da’i should not become angry or disheartened because it is only Allah Ta’ala who has the power to change the hearts of people. It was the custom of Prophet Ibrahim to eat with a guest. One day, while sitting with a guest, he began talking about the oneness of Allah to which the guest remarked that he did not believe in this. This made Ibrahim so upset, he asked him to leave – before they had eaten the meal. Soon after, the angel Jibreel came to him with a message from Allah Ta’ala: “Ibrahim, why did you become upset, and prevent your guest from eating the food? I have been providing his food for 60 years and he has not listened to me but I am not upset.” At this Ibrahim went out to find the guest and reinvited him for a meal. The guest questioned his motives and Ibrahim recounted the visit of Jibreel. The guest returned for the meal and was so impressed that he embraced Islam.(Qasas al-Anbiya’, chapter on Prophet Ibrahim)

If the mad’u becomes a Muslim, it is the responsibility of the da’i to teach him/her the basic teachings of Islam and to bring them into contact with other Muslims. In this way Allah Ta ‘ala ensures they are protected, in good company and guided on Islamic matters. If the da’i approaches a mad’u who accepts the invitation of Islam, there is a great reward from Allah Ta’ala. The Prophetﷺ  told ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, that if a non-believer becomes Muslim as a result of one person’s da’wah, the reward for that da’i is so great that it is better than the world and all it contains.

(Sirat al-Nabi, chapter on Khaybar, by Hafidh Ibn Kathir)

Hz khizr (as) and hz musa(as)

1.Irada/intention directed towards slave (hz khizr (as))

Shar/bad action =creating defect in the boat (defective )

2. Irada/intention directed towards both slave and Allah

Shar/bad =killing of the boy(slave) and khair =substitute with good (Allah).

3 Irada/intention directed towards Allah

Khair/goodness=building of wall .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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