Dars e Imam-Authority

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

 ‘Verily Allah made the Prophet his deputy (viceroy) in Amr (Commandments), Nahy (Prohibitions), Ikhbaar (News) and Bayaan (statements).’ (As Saarim ul Maslool by Ibn Taymiyya p41)

‘Allama Sayyid Mahmud Alusi writes: Shaykh al-Akbar said:“Asif bin Barkhiya did tasarruf with the throne of Bilqis. He made it disappear from its location and appear before Sulaiman ‘alaihis salam and nobody realised this apart from Him who knows everything. The time that it disappeared [from Bilqis] was exactly the same time as it appeared [before Sulaiman]. Everything happened in one moment of time. In chronological terms, Asif only performed one action because the accomplished people gain a state where their speech is granted immediate action by the announcement of “Kun” by Allah”. (Ruh al-Ma’ani, vol.19, p.185)

Syeduna Shah Abdul Haque Muhaddith Dehlvi ra states:

1. ‘The Prophet has the authority to exempt specific people from certain commands. The commandments were within the control of the Prophet and this is the Sahih (most authentic) opinion’. (Ish’atul Lumaat)

2. ‘The accepted Madhab is that Commandments are within the control of the Prophet , he can do whatever he wishes. He can withhold implementing them upon whoever he wishes and specify them for whoever he chooses’. (Ish’atul Lumaat)

3. ‘The Sahih and preferred Madhab (opinion) is that the Ahkaam (commandments) are within the control of the Prophet , he can command whatever he wishes for whoever he wishes. He can make the same act haraam for one person and permissible for another. There are numerous examples of this which are not hidden from those who seek them. Allah created and made the Shariah and then placed it all within the control of his beloved Prophet’ (Madaarij uNubawwa)

….lesson is that the person to whom we look to in Commandments is the Prophet . (And) he can verily specify a command for any one follower and prohibit it for another, even if there is no (apparent) reason.’ (Fath ul Baari by Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalaani Shar ul Bukhaari)

‘The Shaare (legislator) has the discretion to make anything specic from general (universal) commandments as he wishes’ (Imam Nawawi Shara Muslim)

‘He (the Prophet) has the right to specify any commandment he wishes for whoever he wishes’ (Kashf ul Gumma by Imam Sha’raani)

 ‘It is for this reason that our Imams have mentioned this as a specific attribute (Khasaais) of the Prophet, he can specify whatever(command) he wishes for whoever he wishes’ (Mirqaat Shara Mishkaat by Imam Mulla Ali Qaari)

 ‘The Prophet had the the authority to specify whatever he wished for whoever he wished’. (Al Muwaahib uDuniya by Imam Qastalaani)

An example of this is the Prophet excluding Syeduna Abu Bakr Siddiq from the prohibition of extending the trousers below the ankles.(This was because) through the Nur of Prophethood he saw that Abu Bakr’s heart was void of pride and arrogance and consequently the need for raising trousers above the ankles was void.

Imam Ahmad in his Musnad states that Muhammad bin Jafar told us this hadith. He said that he was told it by Shu’ba from Qataada from Nasr Ibn Asim, from a man of their tribe who said that they presented themselves in the presence of the Prophet and accepted Islam on the condition that they would only pray two prayers. The Prophet accepted their condition. It is clear from this that the Prophet exempted 3 prayers from them. This is one of the Khasaais – specific attributes – of the Prophet ; he had the authority to command whatever he wished for whoever he wished and to exempt from any obligation he wished ( Musnad Ahmad, vol 5 p25)

It is also apparent that the man Imam Ahmad is referring to is Fudaala because he too is (from the tribe of ) of Laithii and Nasr bin Asim is Laithii and Nasr bin Asim stated that the man was from his tribe.’ (Buzl ul Majhood fi Hallil Abi Dawud vol 1 p248)

Syeduna Baraa narrates: ‘One day (Eid ul Adha) the Prophet performed the prayer and stated ‘Whoever prays like us and faces our Qibla should not perform the sacrifice until after completing the prayer’ On hearing this Abu Burda bin Niyaar stood up and pleaded ‘Yaa RasoolAllah, I have (already) done so (performed the sacrifice); I have a six month old calf who looks better than a year old calf, will that suffice? The Prophet said ‘Yes, but it is not permissible for anyone after you’ (Bukhaari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nisai, Abu Dawud).

This hadith clearly shows that the Prophet possessed the authority to exempt any one of his followers from a commandment. This point is also made by Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalaani whilst explaining the same hadith:“Another conclusion from this hadith, apart from those already mentioned, is that it is the Prophet who we turn to for Islamic commandments. He would exempt some of his followers from a command and would make it compulsory upon others, even without an apparent reason” ( Fat’hul Baari)

Rejection is based on

1.dieseased heart

2.for show off/riya

3.ignorance/no knowledge

4.no sidq/sincerity

5.no iqlas/purity

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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