Dars e Imam-Aulia Assistance

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Khutba of the book Noorul- Anwaar, discussing Khalq, says, – Surah Taaha “Blessing and bestowing both the worlds and himself being attentive to his Rubb is the characteristic of the Holy Prophet .It is apparent that only the person who is the owner (Malik) of both worlds and whatever they possess can bestow and give from it. This extract from Shaikh Ahdul-Haqq (ra)decided that all of the blessings of the world and Hereafter should he asked for from the Holy Prophet . Ask for wealth, children. Jannat, safety from Jahannam and even to attain Allah (swt)himself .

A Sufi poet states, “Ya Rasoolullah I ask you to bring me to Allah subhanu waatala , O Allah (swt)I ask you for the Holy Prophet

Hadrat Qibla-e-Aalam, Muhaddith Alipuri (ra)states, “Allah states, “if those who were oppressive on themselves come to your court ask for their forgiveness and this Rasool also supplicates for their forgiveness, they will attain Allah (swt)by your court.” (But in what manner?) “Allah (swt)will be merciful and accepting of their repentance:’ In other words, they will attain Allah (swt)by coming to you, Ya Rasool ..

Under the ayat  2/30 this very Tafseer Kabeer records a narration of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra)[The Prophet (saws)said] ”The following should be said by the person who becomes lost in a jungle or desolate place, “O Servants of Allah (swt)! Help me, Allah (swt)will show mercy to you.’

The marginal notes on Mishkaat Sharif state, “Asking for dua from the inmates of the graves, besides our Holy Prophet (saws)and other Prophets, has been refuted by the Jurists (Fuqahaa). However, the Mashaaikh of the Sufiya and some Jurists have proven that it is permissible. Imam Shafee states, “The grave of Imam Musa Kaazim (ra)proven effective for acceptance of dua,” Imam Ghazzalie (ra), states that help can be asked for from the person who used to be asked for assistance in his lifetime after his demise.,, – Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor.

This extract proves that the Jurists have no disagreement in asking for dua from the Holy Prophet and other Prophets. There is only a difference of opinion in asking for dua from the graves of the Saints (Auliya). The U1ama of visible knowledge have refuted it but the Sufiya and Jurists who receive Divine revealing (Kashf) have deemed it to be permissible.

Shah Abdul-Azeez (ra)writes, “It should be understood that to ask for assistance from someone else, not believing that the help he gives to truly be Allah’s (swt)and only on trust, is Haraam. However, if attention is made to Allah (swt)and this person is thought to be the reflection (mazhar) of His help, keeping in mind the procedure and reasons of Allah’s (swt)works, and then asks for visible assistance, it is not far from Divine Recognition (lrfaan) and is permissible in the Shariah. This from of seeking assistance (istiaanat) from someone else has also been made by the Prophet (saws)s and Saints. Actually, seeking help is not only asked from other than Allah (swt), but is asked from Allah (swt)Himself.” – Tafseer Fathul-Azeez; Pg, 20

The following is done as an amal to find a lost item, “When something is lost and the owner wishes that Allah (swt)return the item to him, he should stand on an elevated place facing the Qibla, recite Surah Fatiha and present its thawaab, first to the Holy Prophet ” and then to Sayyidi Ahmad ibn Alwaan (ra). Thereafter, the following dua is to be read, “O my Ahmed ibn Alwaan (ra). If you don’t return my belonging to me, I shall take you out of the register of the Saints (Auliya).” Through this, Allah (swt)will return the lost object with barkat.”-Durre­Mukhtaar, Vol. 3, Baabul-Luqta. It was the eminent Faqih of the Hanafi Muzhab and author of Durr-e-­Mukhtaar, Imam Haskafi (ra).

Imam Abu Hanifa (ra)states, “O Most honored of all creation and treasure of Divine Blessings. Whatever Allah (swt)has blessed you with, grant me some of it as well. Allah (swt)has made you content (Raazi), so make me content. I am aspirant generosity and there is no one besides you in the creation for Abu Hanifa (ra).-Qasida Nu’man.

In these verses, help has explicitly been asked for from the Holy Prophet Imam Busairi (ra)writes, “O Most excellent of all creation (saws)“There is no one besides you for me to seek refuge in at the time of difficulty.”Qasida Burda.

From an extract of Shaami, in the discussion of undertaking a journey to visit the graves, Imam Shafee (ra)states, “Whenever I am laced with a need, I presenl myself in the mazaar of Imam Abu Hanifa (ra)and, through this barkat, my need is fulfilled.”

Mulla Ali Qaari (ra), records the statement of Hadrat Shaikh Abdul-Qadir Gawthal-Azam (ra), “Whoever asks for my assistance in any problem or sorrow, his difficulty will be removed. Whoever takes my name and calls out to me in any hardship, his hardship will be alleviated, and whoever uses me as an intermediary (waseela) to Allah (swt)in any need, it will be fulfilled.” Nuxhatul-Khaatiril-Faatir fi Tarjamati Sayyidi Abdil-Qaadir Pg. 61

At the same juncture, it is written that Hadrat Ghauthal-Azam (ra)himself explains the method to perform Namaaz-e-Ghauthia: Two rakaats nafl should be read, with Swab Ikhlaas 11 times in both. After making Salaam Durood and Salaam should be read 11 times each. Then, take 11 steps towards Baghdad Sharif and, on every step the name of Hadrat Ghauthul-Azam (ra)should be taken and the need submitted. These two stanzas must also be read,

ایدر کنی ضیم و انت ذخیرنی، و الظلم فی الدنیا و انت نصیری

و عار علی حامی و ھو منجدی ، اذا ضاع فی البیدا عقال بعیری

After writing this, Mulla Ali Qaari (ra)states, “This Namaaz-e-Ghauthia was tested many times. Its result was always correct and good.

It is our claim that no Muslim believes any Prophet (saws)or Saint to be Allah (swt)or His son. They merely accept them to be the intermediate (waseela).

On the night of Me’raj, Salaah was originally made Fardh 50 times a day. Then, through Hadrat Musa’s (as) request, it was reduced until it reached. Why? It was so that the creation may appreciate the help of Hadrat Musa (as) in 50 Salaah becoming 5. In other words, the beloveds of Allah (swt)give their help to us even after their demise. With regards to polytheists (Mushriks) asking their idols for help, it is no doubt polytheism .

Shah Abdul-Azeez (ra)based his judgement with this difference in mind. Thus without comparison an idol-worshipper becomes a polytheist by performing sajda towards a stone because he himself invented this action. Muslims prostrate in the direction of the Kaaba, which is also a building of stone. However, we do not become polytheists (Mushriks) because this sajda is for Allah (swt)in reality, not for the Kaaba, and is done on His command. On the contrary, the prostration of the polytheist to a stone is against the command of Allah (swt). This difference is necessary. Respecting the water of the Ganges is infidelity (kufr), but respecting the water of Zurn-Zurn is Imaan. Revering the stone in a temple is polytheism, but revering the Maqaarne-Ibrahim is Imaan, even if it is also a stone.

Seeking assistance is made to the soul of the Saint, not his physical body. Those who the Kuffaar ask for help from are bereft of any spiritual (roohani) power. They also believe stones, which have no soul at all, to be their helpers.

Ghibat/backbiting=speaking bad in his/her absence .

Bohtan/accusation =saying that which is false.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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