Dars e Imam-Animal Sadaqa

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Whichever animal is slaughtered while taking the name of an idol is included in ‘Maa Uhilaa’ while those animals which are slaughtered with the intent of respecting someone besides Allah(swt)under ‘Ma Zubihaa alan-Nasab”. Some Jurists have proven both categories from the ayat ‘Ma Uhilaa’, i.e. ‘Maa Zubihaa li Ta’zeemi Ghairilllah’ (whatever is slaughtered for the respect of someone besides Allah(swt)).The reality of an intention (niyyat) is only known by the person who intends it. To have suspicions of Muslims without any proof is Haraam.

We have already explained the meaning of sacrifice (Its object is to please only Allah(swt). by the dropping of blood. The meat is secondary). If the animal is slaughtered for meat to feed the king, etc, it is Halaal even though the intent behind feeding is pleasing the king. Durre-Mukhtaar states, “If the slaughtering is for the guest, it is not Haraam because this is the practice of Hadrat Ibrahim (as), and to respect a guest is respect to the command of Allah(swt).Durre-Mukhtaar further states, “Doing so is disliked (Makrooh) but the slaughterer will not become a Kaafir through it because we do not think negative about a Muslim (that he worships other than Allah(swt)through this slaughter}.” -Ibid This verifies that having negative suspicions on Muslims is a crime.

Imam Raafi states that the animal doesn’t become Haraam because these people slaughtered it on the happiness of the king’s arrival, just as in Aqeeqah on the birth of a child. Occasions like this do not make the animal Haraam. Sharah Mashaariq states likewise.,,- Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan.The comprehensive reply to this has already been given by us (that this is not a Shar’i, but an urfi Nazar vow. An urfi Nazar means gift or tribute. This is not polytheism (shirk).

After the Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) demise, Hazrat Abu Bakr (radi Allahutala anhu) prepared a good deal of food on the 12th day, and on reading Fateha, he entertained the people of Madinah with it. He had so much of food prepared that it was enough for the people of Madinah. People began to enquire, “What is today?” Those who were knowing replied, “Today is the ‘Urs of the Messenger of Allah, today is the ‘Urs of the Messenger of Allah.” It has become evident from this that the noble Companions celebrated the ‘Urs of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). (Fathul Ma’ani) 

It has been stated in the Holy Quran that Hazrat ‘Isa (alaihis salaam) said: “O Allah! Our Lord, send down upon us a tray from the Heaven so that it should be a festival for us, for the first one of us and the last one of us …

This verse indicates that we should rejoice on the day of receiving a bounty, and honouring and respecting “.that it is counted among the teachings the Prophets (alaihimus salaam), and a source of Allah’s Pleasure.(Tafseer Kabeer, Tafseer Roohul Bayan) 

Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlwi(radi Allahutala anhu) has written that if the day of  Urs is meant for invocation or reminding for the deceased one, there is no harm. That gives benefit to the living as well as the deceased ones. (Fatawa Aziziyah)

Ibne Ali Sheebah reports that: “The Prophet used to visit the graves of the martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who used to visit the graves of Shuhadae Uhud (Those companions of the prophet who lost their lives in the Battle of Uhud, which took place in Madina). (Fatawa Shaami, Tafseere Kabeer Durre Mansoor).

Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith of Delhi (son of Shah WaliAllah) writes in his famous Fatawa Azizia, page 45: Secondly, many people must assemble, recite the Holy Quran, recite fatiha on something sweet and other edibles and then distribute it amongst those present.

Shaami states, “Ibn Abi Shalba (ra)stales that the Holy Prophet(saws)used to go to the graves of the martyrs (Shuhadaa) of Uhud every year.” – Vol. 1, Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor. Tafseer-e-Kabeer and Durre-Mansoor state, “It is proven that the Prophet(saws). used to go to the graves of the martyrs every year and make Salaam to them. The four Khulafaa used to also do this.”

Discussing the subject of Urs, Haaji Imdaadullah Muhaajir Makki (ra)writes, ‘The correct meaning of this Hadith is that holding fairs at the Qabr, having fun and amusement and making provisions to decorate it are all prohibited. It doesn’t mean that gathering at a grave is impermissible. Otherwise, caravans of people go to Madina to visit the blessed Rauza. This would now become prohibited, and surely this can’t be. Therefore, the

truth is that visiting graves, whether individually or in groups is correct. The Hadith may also mean, “Come to my grave as soon as possible. Do not come to it after an entire year like an Eid.” -Faisla Haft Mas ‘ala Halaal is Halaal and Haraarn is Haraam.

Allama Shaami (ra)writes, “Visiting graves shouldn’t be abandoned if impermissible actions take place there (such as the intermingling of males and females) because even with such impermissible actions, preferable actions are not omitted. Rather, it is necessary on the person to visit the graves and prohibit the Bidat. This is supported by the previous rule that going with the Janaazah should not be aborted though there may be women wailing and lamenting (nauha) in the procession.” – Raddul-Muhtaar, Kitaabul-Janaaiz, Discussion on Visiting the Graves

The hypocrite, Ibn Qais, submitted. “Do not take me with in the Battle of Tabuk because the western women of Rome are very beautiful. I fear that they will lead me towards fitna since I am very fond of women,” The Quran however, rejected the excuse in the following manner, “الا فی الفنتۃ سقطوا و ان جھنم لمحیطۃ بالکفرین ”-­ 9/49 .Allah(swt)did not accept this excuse and classified it as a means of infidelity (kufr) and Jahannam (Refer to Tafseer-e-Kabeer and Roohul-Bayaan).

Any thing that happens from Allah =qudrat/power

Astonishing actions done by prophets with the permission of Allah =miracle/mojiza(mazar e elahi)

Astonishing actions done by a wali with the permission of Allah =karamat (mazar e anbiya )

Astonishing actions done by a kafir (using god given gifts proving kufr) =istidraj

Like astonishing actions done by a magician /witch craft to prove kufr  (helped by kafir jinns).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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