Dars e Imam-abdal

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

In another Hadith Shareef, Abu Naeem ra reports that the Holy Prophet said, “There always exist 40 persons among my ummah.  Their hearts are like that of Hazrat Ebrahim (Alaihis Salaam). Allah Ta’aala redeems His human servants from disasters for their sake. They are called Abdaal.  They do not attain to that degree by performing salaah, fasting, or giving zakaah.” Ibn Mas’ud ra asked, “Ya RasoolAllah peace be upon him , by what means do they attain that degree?””They attain it by being generous, and by advising muslims,” said the Prophet peace be upon him.

No less than Ibn Taymiyya writes at the end of his `Aqida wasitiyya: “The true adherents of islam in its pristine purity are Ahl al-Sunnat wal-Jama`a. In their ranks the truthful saints (siddiqin), the martyrs, and the righteous are to be found. Among them are the great men of guidance and illumination, of recorded integrity and celebrated virtue. The Substitutes (abdal) and the Imams of religion are to be found among them and the Muslims are in full accord concerning their guidance.These are the Victorious Group about whom the Prophet said: “A group within my Community manifestly continues to be in the truth. Neither those who oppose them nor those who abandon them can do them harm, from now on until the Day of Resurrection.” [Ibn Taymiyya, `Aqida wasitiyya (–yya edition) p. 36.]

Suyuti in his fatwa on the abdal in his Hawi li al-fatawi provided many examples of this type of universal intercession from which we quote the following:
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal says in his Musnad (1:112): … The people of Syria were mentioned in front of `Ali ibn Abi Talib while he was in Iraq, and they said: “Curse them, O Commander of the Believers.” He replied: “No, I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The Substitutes (al-abdal) are in Syria and they are forty men, every time one of them dies, Allah substitutes another in his place. By means of them Allah brings down the rain, gives (Muslims) victory over their enemies, and averts punishment from the people of Syria.”” al-Haythami said: “The men in its chains are all those of the sahih except for Sharih ibn `Ubayd, and he is trustworthy (thiqa).”[That is: this is a sound (sahih) hadith.]

Al-Hakim narrated the following which he graded sound (sahih), and al-Dhahabi confirmed him: Ali ra  said: “Do not curse the people of Syria, for among them are the Substitutes (al-abdal), but curse their injustice.”

Note that any religious knowledge unattainable through ijtihad and authentically conveyed from one of the Companions is considered a hadith by the experts of that science.

Tabarani said in his Mu`jam al-awsat: Anas said that the Prophet said: “The earth will never lack forty men similar to the Friend of the Merciful [Prophet Ibrahim], and through them people receive rain and are given help. None of them dies except Allah substitutes another in his place.” Qatada said: “We do not doubt that al-Hasan [al-Basri] is one of them.” Ibn Hibban narrates it in al-Tarikh through Abu Hurayra as: “The earth will never lack forty men similar to Ibrahim the Friend of the Merciful, and through whom you are helped, receive your sustenance, and receive rain.”

Imam Ahmad also narrated in the Musnad (5:322): The Prophet said: “The Substitutes in this Community are thirty like Ibrahim the Friend of the Merciful. Every time one of them dies, Allah substitutes another one in his place.” Hakim Tirmidhi cites it in Nawadir al-usul and Ahmad’s student al-Khallal in his Karamat al-awliya’. Haythami said its men are those of the sahih except `Abd al-Wahid who was declared trustworthy by al-`Ijli and Abu Zar`a (as well as Yahya ibn Ma`in).

Imam Ahmad cited in Kitab al-zuhd, also Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Abu Nu`aym, Bayhaqi, and Ibn `Asakir narrated from Julays: Wahb ibn Munabbih said: I saw the Prophet in my sleep, so I said: “Ya RasulAllah, where are the Substitutes (budala’) of your Community?” So he gestured with his hand towards Syria. I said: “Ya RasulAllah, aren’t there any in Iraq?” He said: “Yes, Muhammad ibn Wasi`, Hassan ibn Abi Sinan, and Malik ibn Dinar, who walks among the people similarly to Abu Dharr in his time.”

Allah revealed to Musa (Alaihis Salaam), “What actions have you done for my pleasure?” He said, “O Allah, I have prayed to you, kept fast, and paid charity.” Allah said, “Prayer is a clear proof for you, fast is a shield for you, and charity is your shade. But what have you done for me?” Hadrat Musa (Alaihis Salaam) then asked, “O Allah, show me as action which is only for you.” Allah said, “O Musa, have you loved someone forMy sake, and hated anyone for My sake?” (Ihya al-uloom id-deen, Vol II)

Imam al-Ghazzali (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) says in Ihya al Uloom Vol. IV:
“Death cannot destroy the soul, which is the place of Allah’s Ma’rifat, because it is something spiritual. Death causes the change of the condition of soul, and relieves it from the prison of it’s bodily cage. It does not end as Allah says “Do not even think of those who are martyred in the way of Allah as dead, BUT THEY ARE ALIVE near their lord and given provision. They are joyous of what Allah bestowed upon them of his favour and they give good news to those who have not as yet reached them.” (3/170).” One should not think that this position is acquired only by those that are martyred on the battlefield, because every breath of an Arif (one who has recognized his creator) is a martyr.” we can deduce that if those that fight the smaller battle are alive, then surely, without any doubt, those that fight the greater battle are ALIVE!!!

Zulmat/oppression and noor/light cannot be in 1 heart.

Iqlas/purity and riya/show off cannot be in 1 heart.

Duniya and ahkirat cannot be in 1 heart

Momin=zaahir and baatin is one. (Haal /state/behaviour in masjid and duniya must be same)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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