Iman-Wahy Other Than Quran Example

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Adhan (The call to prayer)—- However this command has been mentioned nowhere in the Quran. 5/58 — From this verse we learn that when the adhan was said, the non-believers used to mock it. Though it does not mention when the Prophet Muhammad (saws) was commanded to say adhan or when it began to be said.

Surely Allah was communicating to the Prophet which had not been included in the Quran. As we are all aware that he (saws) could never do something without Allah Almighty’s approval.

Jummah (Friday prayer)—-62/9 –This verse proves that adhan was already established but no where in the Quran does it mention to establish adhan nor does it make any mention when it was established.From the above we learn that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) must have received revelation other then the verses of the Quran informing him to establish the call to prayer. You will be interested to know that the order of adhan has been mentioned in the hadith.

so eventually the Muslim ummah has to turn to the hadiths in order to practice and follow their din comprehensively.

Janaaza (Funeral Prayer)—-Nowhere in the Quran is it commanded to perform a janaaza (funeral) prayer when someone passes away. However, during the time of Rasulullah (saws) if anyone died, he (saws) would always perform a Janaaza for the deceased. Rasulullah (saws) also used to pray for the hypocrites (that Allah may forgive them), but later, verse was revealed commanding Rasulullah (saws) not to pray for the hypocrites. 9/84 — From this verse we learn that Rasulullah (saws) was commanded not to pray for the hypocrites, despite their being no command in the Quran to read this prayer.

Clearly, the Prophet Muhammad (saws) was commanded elsewhere to pray this prayer otherwise he himself would not start this practise without any instruction from Allah Azawajaul.

Cutting trees–In one war which the Muslims fought, Rasulullah (saws) commanded that the trees of a tribe, Banu Nadir, should be cut down. (59/5)—This verse did not command the companions to cut down the trees but it does inform us that the trees which were cut or were not cut, were by Allah’s command (leave). This shows us that Allah Almighty had given the command of cutting down the trees, though this command is nowhere in the Quran.

Keeping a secret-The Prophet Muhamamd (saws) once told one of his wives(our mother) to keep a secret, however she failed to do so and revealed the secret to someone else. 66/3 — This verse proves that Allah Almighty told the Prophet (saws) about his wife, but how and when Allah Almighty informed Rasulullah (saws) about his wife revealing the secret to others is not mentioned in the Quran. When his (saws) wife asked how he had come to know that she had revealed the secret, the blessed Prophet (saws) replied The Knower, the Aware hath told me. This again proves that Rasulullah (saws) was in communication with Allah. This communication could have been in the form of a dream, inspiration or directly as he (saw) himself said:66/3 she said: Who hath told thee ? He said: The Knower, the Aware hath told me.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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