Iman-Treatment For Dieseases Of The Heart

Iman, Shariath

Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem“”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurbiat/nearness of allah taala–akhlaaq

How to gain Qurbiat/Nearness of Allah Ta’ala ?

You need 4 things 1.knowledge 3.akhlaaq 4.nawafil (other than fariaz)


Akhlaaq-e-Baatiniyah related to the heart are called Akhlaaq-e-Hameedah (the Beautiful Attributes):Tauheed, Ikhlaas, Taubah, Muhabbat-e-ilaahi, Zuhd, Tawakkul, Qanaa’at, Hilm, Sabr, Shukr, Sidq, Tafweez, Tasleem, Ridhaa, fanaa, and fanaa-ul-fanaa.

Akhlaaq-e-Baatiniyah related to the Nafs are called Akhlaaq-e-Razeelah (The Despicable Attributes): Tam’a, Toolul amal (greed of longer desires), Ghussah, Daroogh, Gheebat, Hasad, Bukhl, Riyaa, Ujub, Kibr, Hiqd, Hubb-e-maal, Hubb-e-Jaah, Hubb-e-dunya.

The process of purifying the nafs from these attributes is called Tazkiyah-e-Nafs. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala says: “He who has made Tazkiyah (purified) his nafs, verily, he has attained success.”

ACQUIRING touheed -by contemplating on the weakness of creation and the power of the Creator.
ACQUIRING IKHLAAS -Elimination of riyaa (show) is precisely the acquisition of Ikhlaas.

ACQUIRING taubah– shunning the sin, firmly resolving to abstain from it in future and controlling the nafs when it urges for the sin. taubah is Waajib (compulsory). When a sin has been committed, immediately perform two Rak’ats Salaat with the intention of Taubah. One then has to offer repentance with both the tongue and heart.

ACQUIRING khauf -is to meditate of his Wrath and ‘Itaab. Allah Ta’ala will confer him Hidaa’yat (guidance from Allah), Rahmat (mercy), ilm (knowledge) and Ridhaa (contentment) for those who are imbued with the khauf of Allah Ta’ala.

ACQUIRING Razaa– is to reflect about the vastness of Allah’s Rahmat and His Magnificence.

THE REMEDY for anger -Recite: Aa-uozo-Billahi-minash-Shaitaani-Rrajeem.The aggressor should personally apologize in profusion and seek the pardon of the one whom he had wronged.

sit down if you happen to be standing; if you happen to be sitting then lay down. Make wudhu with cold water or drink cold water. Divert your attention by immediately engaging in some other activity, especially reading which is very efficacious in curbing anger. withdraw from the presence of the one who is the target of your anger.

ACQUIRING RIDHAA /SHAUQ / UNS /THE MUHABBAT OF ALLAH – Compliance with the Laws of the Shari’at and much Zikr of Allah expel the love of others from the heart.

ACQUIRING Zuhd -is to meditate on the defects, harms and ephemeral nature of the world, as well as to reflect on the benefits and the everlasting nature of the Aakhirat.

ACQUIRING TAWAKKUL – is by contemplating the bounties of Allah Ta’ala, His Promises and one’s past success.

ACQUIRING SABR – by weakening the desires of lust and emotion.

ACQUIRING SHUKR – by contemplating the bounties of Allah Ta’ala.

ACQUIRING SIDQ – Constancy in improving and perfecting one’s acts will ensure within a short while the perfect state of Sidq.

ACQUIRING TAF’WEEZ – an event which is in conflict with one’s liking then immediately think that it is an act of Allah and most assuredly there is wisdom and goodness in it.

ACQUIRING FANAA – by mujaahidah and Zikr in abundance( tongue and heart).

ACQUIRING NISBAT WITH ALLAH TA’ALA- Bandah’s relationship with Allah means (obedience) +consciousness+ striving to follow the Sunnah. Salaat is an all-embracing form of worship. If executed properly, observing all its rules, conditions and respects then no other specific form of Riyaadhat (spiritual exercise) is necessary for spiritual progress and the achievement of Nisbat Ma’Allah. Salaat contains Zikr, Shaghl(silent zikr), Muraaqabah, Auraad, e.g. Tasbeeh, Istighfaar, Darood etc.

Spiritual Roza/saum

Jism/body e saum –fasting from dawn to dusk

Ruh/soul  e saum- adopting taqwa ,prevents you from bad ahklaq, fulfilling the needs of needy people.

Taqwa =avoiding sins(thoughts and actions)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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