Iman-Qurbiat Knowledge

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurbiat/nearness of allah taala–Knowledge

First step is the rectification of belief between allah and his creation. We worship allah alone out of love and obediance because he alone is worthy of worship and lordship.we donot worship for jannah/jahannum/riya(show off).

siffats (Hayath, Ilm, Iradha, Khudhrath, sama’ath, basarath and kalam-prominent siffats)are not our own .given to us as a trust we must use it properly for gaining allah and his rasool (saws) pleasure. We can feel through our heart’s eyes -action(afal),siffat(characteristics) and the ujoodh of Allah with in both anfus (within ourselves) and in aafaak (outside us). Always think allah is watching me and my actions/thoughts. the spirit lives with Hu(“Hu is the pronoun of divine presence”.)

Allah created us with His ujoodh and supports us with his ujoodh.Creation exist only due to the subsistence (ujoodh )of allah.

creation subsist with Allah being with it by means of ujoodh and siffats . creation exist within Him(by ujoodh and siffath).we are in his knowledge .

the existence of all the creations is due to the reflection of His existence.. Zaathi Sifath (own characteristics- Hayath, Ilm, Iradha, Khudhrath, sama’ath, basarath and kalam) of Allah. They are in fact Allah’s and He has been merciful to manifest them on His creatures.

The creations use allah’s given (Hayath, Ilm, Iradha, Khudhrath, sama’ath, basarath and kalam) to perform actions(good /bad)based on free will given by allah . we have eyes in our heart( ability to feel). We can experience the af’al (actions), sifath (characteristics) and the ujoodh of Allah. This feeling can be experienced both in anfus (within ourselves) and in aafaak (outside us).

The Mu’jizas and Karamath’s of the Prophet’s and Awliya are but the manifestation of Allah’s power through them. they perform it with the help of Allah.

The beginning of sulook (spiritual journey) is annihilation of the self (nafs) and its end is (fana-fillah) annihilation or assimilation in Allah.

The Shari’ath (rules) stresses the purification of our body. tariqat stresses on the purification of our nafs, heart and soul. tariqat is the way towards the knowledge of our Self and our relation with our Lord, Allah. The purpose of Sulook is to cleanse the heart from everything besides Allah.

a person who has attained the state of always being in the thought that Allah is seeing him, his actions and thoughts will never go against His Lord’s wish and will never forget His Lord.

“To look at the creation as the fulfiller of our needs is the thought of a disbeliever. To look at Allah in the creation is the thought of a believer”.

“The pagans of Makkah were not denying the existence of Allah; neither were they disliking Him. They believed that Allah was far away from them and thought the idols they worshipped helped them get closer to Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to this world to teach ‘Allah is with us'”

“In this wide spread world, wherever and whenever I sit, I always sit in the presence of Allah”

To realize Allah one should purify his body, heart and soul.

Allah is always testing His believing servant in proportion to his faith and certitude.

Body/jism=sperm +blood (both are impure ie why jism is dark)+ nafs (disease of heart like ghibat,takabbur,hirs,anger etc etc)

Ruh =heavenly /spiritual/noor ie light (no disease of heart-angelic world)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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