Iman-Parts 70

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Iman has 70 parts they are :

The actions of the heart -These 24 qualities include beliefs and intentions.

The actions of the tongue -These include seven qualities.

The actions of the body – of which fifteen apply to individuals.

The actions of the body –of which seven apply to dependents.

The actions of the bodyof which 17 apply to general behaviour .

1.THE ACTIONS OF THE HEART- 1. Belief in Allah, which includes belief in His Essence, Attributes, tawhid , and that there is nothing like Him and that everything beside Him is in time. 2. Belief in His angels, His books and Messengers, and the decree of good and evil 3. Belief in the Last Day 4. Belief in the questioning in the grave, the Resurrection, the Gathering, Reckoning, Balance, Sirat and the Garden and the Fire. 5. Love of Allah 6. Loving and hating in Allah. 7. Love for the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 8. The belief that he should be esteemed. That includes the prayer on him and following his Sunna . 9. Sincerity 10. Lack of showing-off and hypocrisy 11. Repentance 12. Fear 13. Hope 14. Thankfulness 15. Fidelity 16. Steadfastness 17. Contentment with the Decree 18. Reliance on Allah 19. Mercy 20. Humility, which includes respect for the old and mercy to the young 21. Abandoning pride and arrogance 22. Abandoning envy 23. Abandoning malice 24. Abandoning anger

2. THE ACTIONS OF THE TONGUE –1. Articulating tawhid 2. Recitation of the Qur’an 3. Teaching knowledge 4. Learning knowledge 5. Supplication 6. Dhikr , which includes asking forgiveness 7. Avoiding foolish talk

3. THE ACTIONS OF THE BODY – 1. Purification, physically and legally, which includes avoiding impurities and covering the private parts 2. The prayer, obligatory and voluntary 3. Zakat 4. Freeing slaves 5. Generosity, which includes feeding people and being generous to the guest 6. Fasting, obligatory and voluntary 7. Hajj 8. ‘Umra 9. Tawaf 10. I’tikaf 11. Seeking the Night of Power 12. Fleeing for the sake of the deen which includes hijra from the Abode of shirk 13. Fulfilling vow 14. Care for oaths 15. Performing kaffara

4.GENERAL BEHAVIOUR- 1. Chastity in marriage 2. Taking care of the rights of the family 3. Dutifulness to parents, which include avoiding disobeying them 4. Care for children 5. Maintaining ties of kinship 6. Obeying masters 7. Gentleness to slaves

5.SOCIETY- 1. Undertaking command with justice 2. Following the Community 3. Obeying those in authority 4. Making peace between people, which includes fighting rebels and Kharijites 5. Helping one another to piety, which includes commanding the correct and forbidding the bad 6. Establishing the hudud 7. Jihad , which includes ribat (manning the frontiers) 8. Carrying out the trust, which includes performing the five prayers 9. Loans and repaying them 10. Generosity towards neighbours 11. Good behaviour, which includes getting money from what is lawful 12. Spending wealth properly, which includes lack of squandering and extravagance 13. Returning the greeting 14. Blessing the person who sneezes 15. Refraining from harming people 16. Avoiding diversion 17. Removing harmful things from the road .

These are 69 qualities and they can be counted as 70. In the version of Muslim, “The highest of them is ‘There is no god but Allah’ and the least is removing something harmful from the road.” This indicates that there is disparity in their ranking.

Allah & his prophet (peace be upon him)  knows best.

TREATMENT FOR WEAK IMAN-1. Belief in the Oneness of Allah 2. Sincerity3. Well wishing for all 4. Abstinence5. Contentment 6. Firm committed Faith 7. Knowledge8. Assigning oneself to Allah 9. To place all reliance and assurance to non but Allah 10. The intention of the ultimate goal i.e. The Straight Path to Allah, the Friend, The Protector, The Glorious 11. Patience 12. Remembrance of death 13. Generosity 14. Repentance 15. Humility 16. Fear 17. Hope in non but Allah 18. To endure hunger 19. Sound and pleasant thoughts relating to any occurring matter 20. The Remembrance and Love for Allah.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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