Iman-Muslim To Momin

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


1.By perfecting your worship .

2.You increase your Ibaadah and You decrease your sins.

3.The Muslim- he avoids the Major sins, The Mo’min- he avoids the minor sins!!(mohsin is under allah’s protection against sins)

4.The mo’min raises higher based upon the quantity and quality of the worship.

5. Momin’s nafs (carnal instincts) are low and under control.

Quantity(after completion of faraiz- farz namaz-ramadan-zakat-hajj) –ie praying sunnah/nafal/tahajjud + fasting 3days(13/14/15th lunar days) of the month/ two days of the week (Thursday and Monday) + more charity + haj/umrah- Performing umra /helping people do hajj +Reading quran/doing zikrullah regularly

Quality –purification of Niyyat ,Nafs ,Soul and Heart (tariqat/tasawuf)

…….”So the man asked, ‘What is a man’s purification of the self, Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘That he knows that Allah is with him wherever he is.'” (al bazzar)

(At-Tabarani) “The best of iman is that you know that Allah is with you wherever you are.”

( Abu Dawud) “The mumin is the mumin’s mirror. The mumin is the mumin’s brother: he keeps destruction away from him, and protects him from behind.”

Love between two muslims is spiritual not worldly.Do it to please allah alone.

Momin and Hypocrite

Munafiq=False promises –Doesnot guard amanat /trust – liar

Momin talks less and does more —Munafiq/hypocrite talks more than he does

Momin’s words and deeds are same where as hypocrites words and deeds contradict.

Momin’s actions and deeds in public, and when he is alone are same .

Munafiq’s  actions and deeds in public, and when he is alone are different

Momin -what he says doesnot differ from what is hidden and Munafiq -what he says differ from what is hidden.

A Momin has one personality regardless of his surrounding and his company, whereas a hypocrite personality changes according to the people he is with.

A Momin is the same whether alone or around people, whereas a hypocrite is different around people than when he is alone.

Momin outside is calm and his inside is busy with Allah SWT, while a hypocrite surrounds himself with noise and company to fill his inner void.

A Momin prefers isolation and carrying out good deeds in secrecy, while a hypocrite prefers to show off.

A Momin minds his own business, whereas a hypocrite keeps himself occupied with the affairs of others.


Husn e ahklaq =from outside worldly from inside angelic

You see insan/body but arsh/ruh is walking because ruh is from Allah’s command/amr.

Amal/deed and haal/state of heart  both are exposed to celestial world .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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